Church & StudentsSample

Depending on your personality this verse might feel terribly challenging (wait, I can’t do it all?) or wonderfully freeing (I don’t need to do it all!). Whilst group work at uni (or school) has a reputation for being the most frustrating of project types, on good form, teamwork can not only mean better results but can release those involved to contribute with real freedom. What might it look like for us to be free to bring our full selves, and for that to be enough?
In describing the church as a body, Paul honors each individual for the contribution they bring. Our value is not placed in us being the same as someone else nor in our ability to do everything well. Paul affirms the God-design in each of us, each made to play a part in the story. He celebrates the diversity of humanity - our differences do not need to signify disunity, but rather enable us to embrace true unity as we make our different contributions under him, our head.
When students join a church community they can sometimes struggle to know how to play their part. Authentic and personal welcome, opportunities to serve and lead, and a celebration of what they bring to the church family all make a huge difference.
Question: How might we model playing our part in church life with confidence and freedom, and invite students (and others!) to do the same?
Prayer: Thank you, Lord, that you have made us to live and serve in community. Lead us in faithfulness and freedom as we play our part, and as we encourage others in theirs.
About this Plan

We are in the grip of a slow awakening in the student world as we continue to hear story after story of students coming to know Jesus. This is a story that hasn’t just begun now, it's been unfolding across generations, prayers of those who have sown in tears that God would move powerfully in this nation and the next generation; we are standing on the answered prayers of those faithful intercessors.
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