Church & StudentsSample

What Jesus saw, two thousand years ago in Israel, is similar to what we see today in our universities - a lost and hungry people. His response was to have compassion on them. The Hebrew word for compassion here is “splagchnizomai” which is a sort of gut-wrenching, belly pain. He is gutted for them. He is physically affected by his compassion as they are deeply in need and searching. Jesus knows he is the shepherd they need but they don’t know it.
Then Jesus says the famous line “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few” which is one of the verses which is often quoted out of context to mean “We have a lot to crack on with!”. It isn’t simply an adage like “Make hay while the sun shines”. This is a rallying cry for evangelism! If God is omnipotent, why doesn’t He do the harvesting? Why do we need to be involved? Because we are made in His image and we join in with Him in his mission. He is on a mission to reconcile all people to Himself and He invites us to join in.
This has been the prayer of Fusion since we were founded in 1998. The student harvest field is plentiful. Lord, send more workers into the student mission harvest.
Question: Who do you know that is waking up spiritually? Can you invite them to follow Jesus?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for involving us in your story. Send us into the harvest field.
About this Plan

We are in the grip of a slow awakening in the student world as we continue to hear story after story of students coming to know Jesus. This is a story that hasn’t just begun now, it's been unfolding across generations, prayers of those who have sown in tears that God would move powerfully in this nation and the next generation; we are standing on the answered prayers of those faithful intercessors.