21 Days of Prayer - PersevereSample

When You’re Afraid
If you’ve heard the story of the Israelites wandering in the desert for 40 years, you’ve heard the story of Joshua’s life. Joshua was included in this journey in the wilderness and would eventually play a significant role. Moses, who had led the Israelites out of Egypt, could not lead the people into the Promised Land they so desperately sought, so, in his place, God chose Joshua to lead this vast group of people into the land.
What I love about Joshua’s story is I can relate to him. No, I didn’t grow up wandering in the wilderness, but I know what it’s like to be afraid. While Scripture may not explicitly tell us that “Joshua was scared out of his mind,” one can interpret this as the case due to the number of times God told him not to be afraid. Throughout the book of Joshua, we find God’s constant reassurance reminding Joshua that he is not alone and has no reason to fear.
I recently learned that fear is an attack on our focus. What we focus on gets bigger, and if the enemy can get us to think solely about our fears, it’s nearly impossible to see anything else. However, when faced with fear, we can persevere by focusing on God’s Word. Our fears only have as much power as we give them.
I’d like to think Joshua got to a point where he was fearless, but again, if he needed constant reassurance from God, chances are he wasn’t fearless; still, he didn’t keep his fears from keeping him from moving forward. Instead, he persevered, completing his tasks and trusting God despite his fear.
If you’re facing fear today, here’s my challenge: Don’t wait for the fear to disappear. Feel the fear, and do it afraid. Whatever you’re scared of, if you know God has called you to it, face it head-on and focus on God’s Word. Hold onto the truth in Joshua 1:9: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Emily N. Green
Prayer Point: What are you afraid of? Pray about these things and ask God to give you courage to overcome your fears.
About this Plan

This 21 Days of Prayer resource is designed to help you study different characters in the Bible who showed perseverance when faced with various obstacles. Perseverance is a necessity in our prayer lives. We may not always have the experiences, answers, or outcomes we desire, but if we allow God to meet us in difficult times, we can hear clearly from Him and grow through prayer.
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