21 Days of Prayer - PersevereSample

When You Think You’ve Tried Everything
In Jewish law, bleeding women were ceremonially unclean, and people avoided touching them (Leviticus 15:19-28). Imagine not just isolating yourself each month but for twelve years! Strategically, you’d time your trips to town and wash your laundry discreetly, trying to avoid others and not experience shame along with physical pain and discomfort. The bleeding woman in Luke 8 tried but could not be healed by anyone--except God through Jesus.
The bleeding woman persistently sought out Jesus. She fought her way through the crowds. She did not just curiously stand on the sidelines but had the faith to escape isolation and bump up against hundreds of people to get to Jesus. In verse 47, it states that she was trembling. Sometimes, our faith is not perfect. We can be afraid and courageous at the same time. She took a risk choosing faith over fear, and so can you.
It was not that Jesus’s robe was magic; it was her touch of faith, persistence, and confidence that He could heal her that released God’s healing power.
When Jesus healed the woman, she could no longer stay hidden. Everyone knew what she had suffered and that they had touched her, but this woman’s suffering was not to be overlooked. They knew what great lengths she went to get healed and the ultimate Physician who saved her through her perseverance and faith.
What is it you need healing from? Is there something you’ve been praying for a long time? Do you think you’ve tried everything? Be encouraged by the bleeding woman’s persistence.
Are you confident that God can heal your spirit, soul, or body? I encourage you to move from the sidelines, out of isolation, and take a step of faith today!
Danielle Babcock-Sapienza
Prayer Point: Where do you feel like you’ve tried everything? Pray about this and ask God to restore your faith and perseverance.
About this Plan

This 21 Days of Prayer resource is designed to help you study different characters in the Bible who showed perseverance when faced with various obstacles. Perseverance is a necessity in our prayer lives. We may not always have the experiences, answers, or outcomes we desire, but if we allow God to meet us in difficult times, we can hear clearly from Him and grow through prayer.
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