Vessel of HonorSample

Fourth Day
So now that we know what are some of the things we need to avoid, the question is what are the things we are supposed to pursue to live a life pleasing to God?
In our Scripture of 2 Timothy 2:15-26, we can see in verse 22 that we need to pursue righteousness. When you pursue something, it means to go after it, you want and need it. If you don’t pursue it, it means that you don’t really want or need it. Unfortunately, there are a lot of Christians who don’t know what it means to be the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus hence they won’t pursue to be in a right-standing relationship with God.
Righteousness simply means to be in right standing with God. There is nothing between you and your Father, for everything has been dealt with at the Cross. The only thing that comes between you and God are the things that you allow.
According to the Bible, there is a Righteousness we receive when we receive Salvation by faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior. This Righteousness is called Imputed Righteousness. There is nothing we can do to earn or deserve this free gift from God. It is imputed into our hearts because of the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross.
This means that all our sins have been washed away and forgiven and we are presented to God as a Pure Holy Vessel. It means that we are reconciled to God and nothing stands between us and Him. We can have a relationship with Him and have endless fellowship with the Creator Himself.
The other form of Righteousness we receive is called Imparted Righteousness. This Righteousness comes when you walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit and to the Power of God. Imputed Righteousness makes your spirit Holy when you receive Salvation so you can receive the Holy Spirit. Imparted Righteousness makes your soul Holy so that you can think and become like Christ.
According to Isaiah 64:6, we all are like an unclean thing, even our best works and deeds are as filthy rags before the Lord. That is why we need to receive the Righteousness of God through the Blood of Jesus. He gave us the legal right to be heirs (royalty, rulers, and sons) in the Kingdom of God.
God has separated us from our pasts and our sins, but the enemy always tries to remind us of our past to take us back there. God is in the process of loving and equipping us to enter our Promised Land, but the enemy will try to demotivate us to go back to our Egypt. Do not allow the enemy to discourage you or lie to you that you are not worthy of the Righteousness of God. The truth is that Jesus Paid the Price for you. You are worth the Life of God! Let that sink in and let it change you from the inside out.
The right relationship with God produces Righteous Acts, Words, and Deeds. You cannot become good through your own works or efforts, which is called "self-righteousness." Self-righteousness is rooted in pride and works. But the Gospel offers a different perspective to receive and live Righteously. We are Called to be Vessels of Honor that are changed in our hearts and renewed in our minds so we can display the Character of Jesus to a lost and dying world.
About this Plan

Everything and everyone has a Purpose in life. We are all designed to fulfill a specific function or role. This Plan assists in how to walk out your God-given design. God made you to be a vessel of honor, a vessel in His Hands to advance His Kingdom and give Him Glory. Take some time to discover what this means by embarking on this Plan.
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