The Triumph: Your Guide to Spiritual WarfareSample

Victory and the Final Outcome
While Jesus was on the cross, He cried out, “It is finished.” The outcome of His sacrifice not only paid the penalty for the sins of the world, but additionally ended the regime ruled by Satan. When Jesus rose from the dead, darkness was defeated and life prevailed. After His resurrection, Jesus said to his disciples, “All power and authority is given to Me in heaven and in earth” (Matthew 28:18). The Worthy One regained the earth from the prince darkness. Then Jesus sent His followers into the world as ambassadors of heaven to proclaim and reveal His Lordship. Our triumph is rooted in the finished work of the cross.
Sometimes in the middle of the fight, it can be hard to see why you’re fighting. I encourage you to stay in the battle and stand firm in the armor of God. When you remind yourself of the amazing work God has done in your life and share your testimony as a witness of God’s faithfulness, the Holy Spirit will empower you to overcome even on the darkest days. What is your testimony? Jesus is your testimony—the One who has destroyed the works of the devil and has brought you out of darkness into His marvelous light! By the blood of Jesus, we are forgiven, cleansed, sanctified, justified, redeemed out of darkness, have peace, and access to the throne of God.
How do you testify? You testify by being a witness to what you have seen God do in your life. Has He healed you? Testify. Has He saved you? Share the Good News with others. Has He delivered you? Find someone has not experienced freedom and declare the mighty power of Jesus to that person. We can do none of this in our own power and efforts, so we clothe ourselves in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Magnificent heavenly Father, I want Your fame and glory to be spread throughout all the earth. I agree that only one name should be lifted above every other—the name of Jesus.
Thank You, Jesus, for taking my sin upon Yourself so I could be made righteous. Thank You for becoming a curse so I could receive the abundance of my Father’s blessings. Because of the shed blood at Calvary, I am a recipient of Your great grace. Jesus, when You declared from the cross, “It is finished,” Your work was complete. I take my place in Your army with the blood of the Lamb, the word of my testimony, and I lay my life down for You daily so that You can live through me. Amen and amen.
We adapted this plan from another resource. Learn more at The Triumph | Baker Publishing Group
About this Plan

As followers of Jesus, we have been set free from the penalty of sin, but we are called to be part of God’s army to set other captives free and defeat the enemy, Satan. In this plan written by James Goll, learn to put on the Armor of God and prepare for victorious battle!