The Triumph: Your Guide to Spiritual WarfareSample

Christ’s Triumph is Satan’s Defeat
In 2 Corinthians 2:10-11, the apostle Paul warns of the devil’s plans to outsmart us. Outwit is the term the New International Version uses, and the New American Standard Bible translates verse 11 like this: “so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan.” Let’s not be ignorant of his tactics to cheat or defraud by deception. Paul also uses the word schemes, meaning “a method” (see Ephesians 6:11). Our enemy is extremely methodical in his approach, wearing us down with cunning strategies.
When the devil tempted Jesus (see Matthew 4:1–11), he used the Word of God and twisted it. Thankfully, Jesus knew the truth, so He wasn’t fooled. We must know the Word of God because the enemy knows the Bible too. I wonder sometimes if the devil reads the Bible more than we do! If he twisted the Word while tempting Jesus, we must assume he will try the same scheme with us.
The Bible is clear: Jesus came to earth to destroy the works of the devil. The key to the believer’s triumph in spiritual warfare is knowing what Jesus Christ has already accomplished through His life, ministry, death, and resurrection. Jesus invites us to pray from a victorious mindset, not work our way toward one.
“The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.” 1 John 3:8. How did He do this? First, by coming to earth! His presence on earth changed everything, revealing God’s glory through his life and ministry. Jesus also destroyed the works of the devil by living God’s Word: He used the Word and relied on the Word.
Satan seeks to keep men and women living in their sin, under its penalty, held in bondage to its power, and suffering mental and emotional defeat from its’ guilty accusations. Christ’s death on the cross secured redemption from sin and its guilt and destroyed the devil’s works, as we read in Colossians 2:13–15.
Almighty Father, I exalt the Lord Jesus Christ. He indeed is worthy of my praise, adoration, and worship. I’m amazed at His humility when He emptied Himself, took on the form of a servant, became an ordinary man, and lived a sinless life. He was obedient even unto death, and on the cross died the death of a criminal, which He did not deserve. But death could not hold Him.
Jesus is triumphant and has conquered Satan, death, hell, and the kingdom of darkness. I stand in that victory today and declare with the heavenly host, “Glory to God in the highest. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, who is, and is to come!” Amen and amen.
About this Plan

As followers of Jesus, we have been set free from the penalty of sin, but we are called to be part of God’s army to set other captives free and defeat the enemy, Satan. In this plan written by James Goll, learn to put on the Armor of God and prepare for victorious battle!