7 Days of Prayers to Strengthen Your SoulSample

Beautiful Mornings
Good morning, Lord!
There’s nothing quite as spectacular as waking up to a new day, a glowing sunrise, and the chance to spend more time with you.
When I start my day with you, I am immediately blessed with an awareness of your faithfulness. Seeing your wonders reminds me to praise you throughout the day. When I am too busy to wait for you, too busy to read your Word or say my prayers, I know it disappoints you. It disappoints me, too, because I sense the loss almost immediately. I’m not as open to the needs of my coworkers, friends, or neighbors as I leave the house and step out into the world.
Guide my heart and my thoughts today. Help me see your wonders every place I go so I feel the gift of your spirit. Show me how you would like me to share your wondrous works. Help everyone know that you create each beautiful morning. Amen.
What is your favorite time of day?
About this Plan

Connect with the still, small voice of God. With the demands and distractions of life, it doesn’t take long for worry and doubt to threaten your peace and steal your joy. Let these prayers by Karen Moore remind you that the God of the universe hears your needs and longs for a personal relationship with you. All you have to do is listen and pray to strengthen your soul.
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