21 Days of Prayer and FastingSample

Serve Others
Life is a constant series of transactions or exchanges. For every “yes” to something, there has to be a “no” to something else. People exchange their time and money based on where they find value: a “yes” to money for a purchase means a “no” to money in savings. A “yes” to time with the family means a no to time spent scrolling socials.
Jesus is sometimes referred to as the servant-king. While people of His time expected a king of pomp and circumstance, He exchanged a crown and instead arrived as a humble king who connected with the outcasts and washed their feet. It didn’t make sense to an earthly system of me-first.
King Jesus then showed the incredible value He placed on others by making the ultimate exchange: He gave up His life so humanity could experience life and freedom. As His followers, we are then called to follow in His footsteps by exchanging our old life and ways for His new life and counter-culture behavior of serving others. Our “yes” to others often requires some form of “no” to ourselves. However, each time we serve others, in our communities, around the dinner table, or on the job, we fulfill our purpose and discover true joy.
God, I want to follow Jesus’ example of serving. Help me focus on others, saying ‘no’ to my selfish ways and ‘yes’ to yours. I know in your kingdom, serving others produces joy and blessing. Today, I will look for opportunities to serve those around me and put their needs above mine. Loving and serving others displays your heart to the world. God, what an honor to be your hands and feet to those You love!
About this Plan

Over the next 21 days, we invite you to give God time each day intentionally. This devotional includes daily topics with bible-based thoughts, scripture, and a prayer. Topics range from having a heart after God, forgiveness, and developing patience to pray for your family, city, and missionaries worldwide. We hope that at the end of your 21-day journey, you will have further developed discipline by spending time with Jesus and surrendering your cares to Him.