21 Days of Prayer and FastingSample

The World / Missionaries
Jesus’ Great Commission was yet another push-back on cultural mentality. Instead of taking this Gospel and keeping it separated and confined to a certain group, His followers were charged to share the Good News with every nation. This mandate remains with us and will continue until Jesus returns: the transformative Good News we have received isn’t for us alone. All too often, our faith can be turned into a club to belong to rather than a life change to be shared.
God’s heart is to save the lost, heal the sick, restore the brokenhearted and make disciples all over the world. God wants you to continually share His light in your world while keeping your heart tender and open for THE world. Some of us will go, some of us will send: all of us can strategize and do our part. God’s love is without borders, so too must our love extend beyond boundaries to the nations.
Father, give me a heart for lost people around the world. Your Word says that You desire that all come into a relationship with You, and I want to develop a heart aligned with yours. Reveal strategies to reach people near and far. We pray that missionaries worldwide will find wisdom and provision for their mission. Strengthen them with fresh faith and vision. Grant them favor in their communities and soften the hearts of those who hear their words. Thank you for all You are doing worldwide to grow Your Kingdom, and show me the part that is mine to play.
About this Plan

Over the next 21 days, we invite you to give God time each day intentionally. This devotional includes daily topics with bible-based thoughts, scripture, and a prayer. Topics range from having a heart after God, forgiveness, and developing patience to pray for your family, city, and missionaries worldwide. We hope that at the end of your 21-day journey, you will have further developed discipline by spending time with Jesus and surrendering your cares to Him.