Precious Moments That Count For EternitySample

Time Out
Nothing, we Christians think, should be rational. Studies have proved that worrying affects your daily life so much that it interferes with your appetite, lifestyle, relationships, sleep, and job performance. It’s human nature to worry about all the latest happenings around us. But for what gain? As Jesus asked, “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” (Matthew 6:27 NIV).
Why is it so hard for us to grasp that we have someone watching over us, who is so much bigger than our problems? The Bible talks about how our heavenly Daddy clothes the birds of the air in such splendid array. How much more precious then, are we, than they? God made Adam in His own image and likeness to commune with Him. He desires you and cares about every little thing that concerns you. Don’t try and use your own intelligence and skills to gauge how you can mitigate uncertainties that the future holds. Make sure God is the center of all your plans; otherwise you will be building a large structure, with no pillars to hold it up. Such a structure will come crashing down. Rest in Him. Let God be God, and don’t try to be God yourself.
From my personal experience, I only came about this understanding when I started trusting God for the little things. When I did that, worrying gradually diminished and I started realizing, that my Daddy knows the exact number of hairs on my head. Not one hair can fall off without His consent. How exciting!
In fact, we don’t operate on rationality because our very source for all things is supernatural. Think about that for a minute. Is worrying about uncertainties a sensible route, when your very source is supernatural and His love for you is certain and unfailing?
Thank You, God, that I need not worry about what the future holds, as You hold my world in Your hands. Teach me how to enter into Your rest, and cease from worrying. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Nothing, we Christians think, should be rational. Studies have proved that worrying affects your daily life so much that it interferes with your appetite, lifestyle, relationships, sleep, and job performance. It’s human nature to worry about all the latest happenings around us. But for what gain? As Jesus asked, “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” (Matthew 6:27 NIV).
Why is it so hard for us to grasp that we have someone watching over us, who is so much bigger than our problems? The Bible talks about how our heavenly Daddy clothes the birds of the air in such splendid array. How much more precious then, are we, than they? God made Adam in His own image and likeness to commune with Him. He desires you and cares about every little thing that concerns you. Don’t try and use your own intelligence and skills to gauge how you can mitigate uncertainties that the future holds. Make sure God is the center of all your plans; otherwise you will be building a large structure, with no pillars to hold it up. Such a structure will come crashing down. Rest in Him. Let God be God, and don’t try to be God yourself.
From my personal experience, I only came about this understanding when I started trusting God for the little things. When I did that, worrying gradually diminished and I started realizing, that my Daddy knows the exact number of hairs on my head. Not one hair can fall off without His consent. How exciting!
In fact, we don’t operate on rationality because our very source for all things is supernatural. Think about that for a minute. Is worrying about uncertainties a sensible route, when your very source is supernatural and His love for you is certain and unfailing?
Thank You, God, that I need not worry about what the future holds, as You hold my world in Your hands. Teach me how to enter into Your rest, and cease from worrying. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
About this Plan

It is our prayer that it will reveal to those who don’t know Jesus Christ, that there is a Creator and Maker of this universe, the only loving and powerful God who longs for a personal relationship with every human being. We pray that these daily readings will remind us all of the great hope and abundant joy in knowing Jesus Christ, through whom we have eternal life!