Come and SeeSample

The image of a shepherd weaves itself throughout the story of Scripture. As early as
Genesis, Jacob spoke on his deathbed of “the God who has been my shepherd all my life.” Then
there was David who wrote the Psalm, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” Ezekiel
penned God’s decree of a coming Messiah with the prophesy, “I will place over them one
shepherd.” And in a field near the city of Bethlehem, as angelic light filled the night sky, it was
shepherds who were the first to receive the news of a Savior’s birth. These images culminate
together in the voice of Jesus calling out, “I AM the Good Shepherd.”
The world is a dangerous place. Toxic relationships and deceitful beliefs can hurt and
maim those tied to them. There are wolves who attack and injure, thieves who thoughtlessly take
to feed their selfishness, and hired hands who stay briefly but hold no real interest. Like sheep,
every person needs loving care and truthful guidance. But these imposters care nothing for the
life of the sheep.
A true shepherd cannot be imitated. He calls his sheep by name. Not one is unknown to
him. He lovingly leads them; and when they are lost, He guides them to the right path. Every
need of the sheep is met by the shepherd who loves and values them. In response, the sheep
know his voice. No person and no idea can substitute for the real thing.
Greater than this is the love of the Good Shepherd who dies for His sheep. Standing
between us and certain death, Jesus lifted up His arms, shielding us from evil. He gave His life
so that each of us, whom He knows by name, would be rescued.
In His death, we are saved, and in His life, we are found. The nail-scarred hands that
battled for each of us, now hold us in safety. Don’t be deceived. There are many voices that
would kill, steal, and destroy. But His sheep know the sound of His voice. Run to the Good
Shepherd. In Him, we lack nothing.
Read John 10
In honor of the Good Shepherd who was born in a stable, pick up some cookie cutters this week,
and decorate nativity-shaped cookies
About this Plan

Stories of the nativity are important, but the story of why Jesus came should involve so much more than a manger scene. Focusing on one chapter a day through the book of John will reveal the beauty of who Christ is and why His birth was so important. In the flurry of Christmas, keep your eyes on Him. Come and see why Jesus is our greatest gift.
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