Bold and Beautiful IISample

How do you define victory? Is it a winning season, a happy family, or accomplishing that one big goal? Victories are easily measured in sports by the number of wins which are in turn determined by points, distance, seconds, etc. Even in academics, victories can be measured using test scores and grades. For much of our lives, it’s easy to claim victory, and there are so many opportunities to boost (or stifle) our self-esteem because of it.
We receive this victory even before a finish line is reached and a determination of win or lose is made. We’ve already seen this victory the moment we decide to pursue whatever it is with and for God. All of us who are in Christ—that is, we have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior—are victorious. We live a life of victory whether we realize it or not. God works all things together for our good.
Victory requires some opponent, opposition, or resistance to face and something to attain. It could be a moving target, stationary goal, or challenge of some sort. In any case, we must encounter trials of some kind for a chance to taste victory, and value develops in the process. This cannot be emphasized enough in life. Several passages in the Bible encourage us through our trials—not around them nor despite them. Through His Word, God urges us, again and again, to endure, pursue, and remain steadfast, all in an effort to hold on to our core belief in Jesus Christ and the belief that God is who He says He is.
Sure, outcomes and personal growth are wonderful victories we have in this life, but there is an even greater prize for the believer. The ultimate victor’s prize is God Himself. He is ours as much as we are His. Everything Jesus Christ went through was to reconcile us with God. To be victorious in this life is to have a constantly growing relationship with our Creator, using the power of the Holy Spirit which we have because of Jesus Christ. It’s all about our personal and intimate connection to the Father. We are victorious as we pursue everything with and by God. Do we take a moment to pause and seek God’s Kingdom and righteousness with our decisions? Do we consult the Father about what to prioritize on our busy schedules? Do we invite the Holy Spirit into the process with us? Do we commit our plans to the Lord?
We are victorious over fear, obstacles in life, negative thinking and self-talk, obsessions, addictions, and even the enemy of God. Even though there will be many times we feel like we lost or came up short, there is no scoreboard here. We must approach the obscurity believing that we’ve already overcome, and then behave like it. In so doing, we get to live in and experience that triumph.
Talk About It:
As teammates, you can help each other learn the Truth about who you are as God’s daughters. The theory that there’s strength in numbers is supported in Scripture—starting with the Father Himself as One of Three—and it certainly applies to you in your quest to embrace who you really are. By joining forces with your teammates, you can multiply your strength and resources in the battle for your souls. As a group, let’s work through the following questions and activities together:
- How do you define victory in your personal life?
- Consider again Psalm 16:5, Psalm 73:25-26, and Psalm 16:2. What do you think about the idea that God is your prize?
- What is your plan of action for pursuing victory in your life?
“Lord, Thank You that I am victorious in You. Because of You, I can accomplish, and I can overcome. Not only do you make me victorious in this life, but You, O God, are my prize. Help me to live in Your victory. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
About this Plan

Bold and Beautiful II is a continuation of the first Bold + Beautiful study. It is a 10-session plan aimed at female athletes that can be done preferably in a team or group setting. By providing a biblical perspective on the issues many female athletes face—like boldness, wisdom, beauty, worth, and strength—we hope athletes will understand true beauty and how a competitive spirit can be godly and feminine.