Bold and Beautiful IISample

Is it worth it? Are the hours you put into training worth it? Is the development of the skill worth it? Is the hard conversation worth it? Is the argument worth it? Is the quiet time worth it? Is the extra lap at the end of practice worth it? Is touching the line during the drill worth it? Is the encouraging word worth it? Whether something is worth it depends on what you value and where you place your worth.
Where we place our value matters. If our worth is defined by what we value in the world, then our worth varies depending on what happens during a specific time and how we feel. Things of the world are temporary, but things of God are eternal.
God’s Word contains stories of imperfect people who serve a perfect God. The people God uses do not seem to be the most valuable players in the world’s eyes. But God places value upon the most unlikely heroes, and He establishes their worth in His perfect story.
Moses had a considerable backstory with personal baggage. Born a Hebrew under bondage, the Pharoah ordered Shiprah and Puah, the Hebrew midwives, to kill all the Hebrew baby boys. But because they feared God, they let the boys live.
One of those babies was Moses. His mother knew she could not raise him, so she put him in a basket, and God strategically placed him in the home of Pharaoh to be raised by the Egyptian people. Moses grew up the Egyptians, but his heart beat for his people. He witnessed the mistreatment of a Hebrew enslaved person, and Moses murdered the Egyptian! When he was found out, he fled to the wilderness in shame.
But God found him and met Moses right where he was. God’s power appeared in a burning bush, and He told Moses to take off his shoes; he was standing on holy ground.
God reminded Moses who was talking. Shame filled Moses’ response. He asked God, “Who am I?” It’s as if Moses was saying, “My life does not have value anymore. I am not worthy.” God told Moses to shift his focus from self to Savior. Remember who I AM. And I AM about to do great work through you! God tells Moses the plan. He will save the Hebrew people out of bondage and give them freedom. God reminds Moses that he is a valuable part of the plan. He has been from the very beginning. God’s Word replaced Moses’ doubt with the truth. God’s Word replaced Moses’ fear with fact.
Moses moved in obedience to God, and God blessed Moses in a mighty way! With obedience comes great blessings! As God moved through Moses, He moves through you, too. Rest in the truth. God created you to reach the people who surround you where He has strategically placed you for this moment in time. Believe the facts about your life.
Your story is a part of the greatest story ever told. You are created perfectly for such a time as this. God equipped you for the position He has asked you to play.
When the object of your desire becomes Jesus, your focus shifts from self to Savior, and it’s at that moment when you realize nothing of this world can bring you contentment, and everything you do for the good of the Kingdom and the glory of God is worth it!
Talk About It:
As teammates, you can help each other learn the Truth about who you are as God’s daughters. The theory that there’s strength in numbers is supported in Scripture—starting with the Father Himself as One of Three—and it certainly applies to you in your quest to embrace who you really are. By joining forces with your teammates, you can multiply your strength and resources in the battle for your souls. As a group, let’s work through the following questions and activities together:
- To what do you ascribe value?
- Everyone is trying to establish their worth, especially in athletics and academics. How does it feel to know you are a valuable part of God’s plan and you are already worthy?
- Know your worth. To inhabit your worth means to walk confidently in Christ. How does this look? Explain how this is different than having self-confidence?
“Heavenly Father, thank You for having a perfect plan for this world from creation to the end of time. I am grateful I get to be a part of Your plan. When I do not feel worthy to walk confidently in my calling, please remind me that I am worthy. Remind me that You alone are worthy, and You alone deserve honor and glory and praise. You have a plan, and I already love it. Thank You for equipping me to reach my people in my place. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
About this Plan

Bold and Beautiful II is a continuation of the first Bold + Beautiful study. It is a 10-session plan aimed at female athletes that can be done preferably in a team or group setting. By providing a biblical perspective on the issues many female athletes face—like boldness, wisdom, beauty, worth, and strength—we hope athletes will understand true beauty and how a competitive spirit can be godly and feminine.