With YouSample

Have you ever watched or ran in a relay race? Racing is usually an individual sport, but in a relay race teams of people compete against each other. On the one hand, this could mean less pressure for everyone on the team, since the whole race doesn't depend on you. But on the other hand, the pressure is on to not let your teammates down — if you're too slow, everyone else will have to push even harder to make up for the time you lost.
Just like team members are accountable to each other in a relay race, we are all accountable to each other — not just on race day, but all the time. The more time you spend in Scripture, the clearer it becomes that following Jesus isn't an individual sport. It requires us to look out for everyone around us because we're all on the same team. That means paying attention so we can see when the people around us are struggling, or need some help and encouragement. We can't just run past them, worrying only about our own time. According to God, we're supposed to feel responsible for each other. We can do that, in part, by noticing when someone is carrying a heavy burden and then helping them carry it.
Who do you know who could use some extra support? Someone who could use a teammate or encourager? Reach out to them today.
About this Plan

Friendship might feel easy when life is easy, but it gets more complicated when your friends are hurting or struggling. What should you do? What should you say? What should you not say? When our friends need help, there are no easy answers, but in this 4-week devotional series from Grow Curriculum, we'll see what Scripture invites us to do when others are grieving, lonely, in need, or feeling hopeless.