Love God Greatly: In the BeginningSample

Noah found favor with God. While he is described as a godly man, blameless among his contemporaries, it was God alone who chose to show grace to Noah. Noah’s faithfulness to God and willingness to follow God’s commands stands in direct contrast to those around him. He lived in a wicked generation, yet he chose to walk with God. Enoch walked with God and was rewarded by being taken away; Noah followed Enoch’s example and walked with God as well.
God commanded Noah to do something he had never seen. God warned Noah of what was to come, also something unheard of and unexpected. Though Noah may have had doubts, they are not recorded in Scripture. All we are told of is his faith.
Noah was willing to set aside what the world offered and follow God. He lived in righteousness and did all God commanded him. Noah is commended for his faith in Hebrews 11. Noah believed God existed and that God would reward him if he continued to walk with Him.
When we are faced with the unknown, do we turn to the security the world offers, or to God’s commands? When we choose to step out in faith, we may not find worldly treasures or success, but we will find favor with God. Walking with God, honoring and following His commands, is how we exercise our faith and how we please Him.
Lord, I long to walk with You. Show me the areas in my life that do not honor You and bring You glory. Give me courage to cut these out of my life. Show me where my faith is lacking and increase my faith so I can continue to walk with You. Amen.
About this Plan

In this Bible study, we’ll explore the first eleven chapters of Genesis, discovering the beginnings of creation, sin, grace, redemption, and promise. We can learn to love God greatly by studying His character, especially the aspects that are challenging and raise more questions in our faith. May we be expectant that He will reveal Himself to us in new ways as we seek Him.