Love God Greatly: In the BeginningSample

God remembered Noah. God had certainly not forgotten Noah and his family while they were on the ark, so what does it mean that He remembered him? When God remembered Noah it meant His action changed. God had not forgotten him, but in His remembrance, He changed His action. When God remembered Noah He began to turn back the flood waters. The water began to recede and the earth started to dry up.
In the middle of a global flood, God remembered Noah. God caused the waters to recede so Noah and his family could again live on the earth. God was in control of that flood, and He is in control of the floods, either literal or metaphorical, that we face today.
The Hebrew word used for engulfing waters in Psalm 29 is the same word used in Genesis 8. If God was King of that flood, the one that destroyed all life on earth, then He is certainly King of your flood. He is enthroned over the engulfing waters of your emotions, your loneliness, your disaster, your fear, your needs, and your pain. When the floods come, we can remember His voice. No matter the strength or volume of the waters, God is King. He is enthroned over the waters. He is enthroned over all.
God remembers His people. He responds to them in their need. When we cry out to Him, He not only hears, He responds. He acts in accordance with His character. He is faithful, not only to hear and remember, but to respond. The God who remembered Noah remembers you and me. The God who commanded the waters to recede is working in your life today. He is the eternal King.
God, in Your great compassion, remember me. I need Your kindness and compassion to shower me today. I believe You are enthroned over all the floods I face. I believe You are faithful to hear my prayer and respond. Thank You for remembering me. Amen.
About this Plan

In this Bible study, we’ll explore the first eleven chapters of Genesis, discovering the beginnings of creation, sin, grace, redemption, and promise. We can learn to love God greatly by studying His character, especially the aspects that are challenging and raise more questions in our faith. May we be expectant that He will reveal Himself to us in new ways as we seek Him.