30 Devotions For Youth LeadersBeispiel

When the calendar flips, the ball drops and the fireworks fade... Something new begins.
I’ve wondered if Jesus experienced anything similar as he began his ministry—something like a blastoff or an inauguration.
In Luke 4, Jesus returns to the place of His childhood, to the place where He endured splinters and skeptics, where He worked alongside his Father; it’s here that something extraordinary begins. He stood in the synagogue that day and read from Isaiah, chapter 61. The words of the prophet became His coronation, His commissioning, His mission statement, and His death sentence.
To proclaim – to the poor, to the captive, to the confined, to the broken, to the overlooked and overpowered. Jesus embraced it and pronounced it... “Today is the day. Today is MY day. From today on everything changes, for me, for you, for mankind, for all of history.”
Isaiah 61 is not simply prophetic; it’s also a job description for the Son of God. TODAY.
Examine your life: What can’t you ignore any longer? Where are you poised and ready to respond to God’s call? What demands your courage and commitment? Today!
Die Heilige Schrift
Über diesen Leseplan

This one month reading plan is designed to encourage, teach and inspire anyone who works with youth. Taken from Youth For Christ president Dan Wolgemuth’s weekly blog, “Friday Fragments,” these 30 devotions offer a fresh vision for ministry and challenging insight into what it means to walk with God.
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