30 Devotions For Youth LeadersBeispiel

Confronting Impossible Odds
In January, I began my biblical journey back to the book of Genesis. Like many of the great Colorado trails that I hike, the Bible’s words seem fresh and unexplored every time I venture out. The light is different even if the pathway is the same.
In the 18th chapter of Genesis I joined Abraham and Sarah as they faced impossible odds...Read Genesis 18:10-14
The LORD’s prophetic words in Genesis collided with Sarah’s aging physiology. Decades of hope had been doused with the passing of time and Sarah’s barrenness—once a whisper—was now a crushing reality.
Sarah’s body had punched the clock. Her shift was over.
Then the God made this promise: “A son.” “Next year.”
Was this a cruel joke? An error in translation? Merely a metaphor? “And Sarah conceived...” Genesis 21:2a (ESV) It seemed like the game was over when God hit the winning shot. The shot clock had expired and the stands had emptied. But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 (ESV)
God has not checked out of this business. He never tires of delivering. He still does the impossible. Bring Him the ashes wet with tears. Bring Him the jeering. Bring all of it.
All things are possible...yes, all things. Especially today.
Die Heilige Schrift
Über diesen Leseplan

This one month reading plan is designed to encourage, teach and inspire anyone who works with youth. Taken from Youth For Christ president Dan Wolgemuth’s weekly blog, “Friday Fragments,” these 30 devotions offer a fresh vision for ministry and challenging insight into what it means to walk with God.
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