Unwrapping Christmas - Viewing the Nativity Through Luke's EyesBeispiel

Unwrapping Christmas - Viewing the Nativity Through Luke's Eyes

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Day 20

Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.  Matthew 2:1-2

The Bethlehem Star can teach us a few things about guidance. Yes, we must head back to Matthew to encounter this luminary and the sophisticated astronomers from the east – the Wise Men (Daniel 2:2). Quite possibly, this heavenly wonder appeared after Jesus’ birth. Nevertheless, the Christmas Star navigated the path of those seeking the Savior directly to His doorstep. What can we glean for our own lives?

Like the Wise Men, we must look up! Our eyes need to be set solely upon the Light of the World. Though God uses our circumstances, they shouldn’t guide our decisions. Even the counsel of those spiritual leaders and mentors we trust should confirm what we have already heard directly from Jesus. The Holy Spirit’s leading, aligned with His Word, is our infallible Guide.

Wherever Jesus is leading us will be filled with His light. In other words, He won’t lead us into something dark or oppressive. Even the most difficult things He guides us into will fill us with His peace. We see this in the Lord Himself, who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross (Hebrews 12:2). And Paul, heading to Jerusalem and then Rome to face certain imprisonment (Acts 21:10-14). 

We must check in daily with God to know we are still on the right page, just as the wise men surely had to keep their eyes on the prize daily and make daily calculations. We must stop when He stops and move only when He tells us to – so we must be patient! Scholars believe it may have taken the Magi two years to reach the Christ Child, but He was so worth the wait.

Yes, this star of wonder is still pretty special. Let its story guide us to Jesus, too – and all He has in store for us.

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Unwrapping Christmas - Viewing the Nativity Through Luke's Eyes

Christmas is filled with wonder. Still, its promise can be lost in must-do lists, preparing for celebrations when provisions seem slim, or the advent of sometimes-messy family relationships. Let's invite the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s gifts for us by Unwrapping Christmas refreshments from Luke's Gospel. Realizing that in this lifetime, we will only begin to scratch the surface of who Jesus is and what He has done.
