Unwrapping Christmas - Viewing the Nativity Through Luke's EyesBeispiel

Unwrapping Christmas - Viewing the Nativity Through Luke's Eyes

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Day 19

Joseph also went up from Galilee…into…the city of David, which is called Bethlehem…to be registered with Mary…  Luke 2:4-5

We are all on a journey. We may be traveling a road regarding our health, dreams, family, finances, or employment. We may be straddling a path of relationships. Yes, we are all traveling to some degree in varying areas of life, and to God, the journey is often more important than the destination.

Mary and Joseph were on a journey too, and it wasn’t effortless. The roughly 90-100 miles between Nazareth and Bethlehem wasn’t Easy-Peasy Street. It was rugged terrain, uphill and down, and fraught with wild animals and wild people ready to pounce upon vulnerable travelers. There were no Walmarts, SPAR stores, or McDonald’s to dash into for needed supplies or food. Remember, being pregnant and walking such a long distance is no joke. Their journey was treacherous, uncomfortable, and inconvenient. 

We can learn from the Christmas couple’s sojourn. For one, they were laser-focused. They knew where they had to get to, and they kept their eye on the prize. It doesn’t appear they allowed distractions, distance, or discomfort to get in their way. How many times have we given up on hopes, dreams, or God’s promises because we have pulled the card that it is just too dang difficult, expensive, or taking too long? Are we forgetting that our God is bigger and better than all these meager excuses?

Mary and Joseph trusted God even when all seemed impossible or implausible. Have we given up on Him? Have we left His path for us? Stop and look around where you are now. Is the Lord in your sights?

Life’s pilgrimages are a lot like waiting for something (Day 16). We can either choose to journey and wait well in Holy Spirit fullness or travel and waste our time complaining and frustrated in our flesh. Let’s choose the first. Because the journey is significant. And like Mary, He is birthing something wonderful within our lives. 

Let’s not miss His audacious plans.

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Unwrapping Christmas - Viewing the Nativity Through Luke's Eyes

Christmas is filled with wonder. Still, its promise can be lost in must-do lists, preparing for celebrations when provisions seem slim, or the advent of sometimes-messy family relationships. Let's invite the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s gifts for us by Unwrapping Christmas refreshments from Luke's Gospel. Realizing that in this lifetime, we will only begin to scratch the surface of who Jesus is and what He has done.
