The Man After God's HeartUddrag

The Man After God's Heart

DAG 3 AF 5

After a tumultuous journey to kingship, instead of simply enjoying his peace and comfort, David desired to honour God by building Him a temple. Yet God responded that He would use David’s descendant to do it instead, building a house for David and establishing his descendent’s kingdom and throne forever.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, David committed in response to stewarding his resources and the kingdoms to the temple building in Solomon’s time, even if he would not see it come to pass.

We see a few interesting things from David’s story.

Firstly, his desire to build the temple was not an endeavour of self-glorification but a sincere desire to honour God. It did not matter that the temple would not be built under his reign; his joy was that it would be built and God would be glorified. His stewardship was done in full submission to God’s will, with the joy of being able to give to God.

Secondly, God’s plans can truly be greater and better than even the best of our intentions and imaginations. David desired to build God a house and was grateful that God would establish his kingdom through Solomon. Yet David would not have expected that God had a greater kingdom and descendant in mind. Though Solomon’s reign was glorious, it was but a foreshadowing of a greater eternal kingdom reigned by a perfect King, Jesus, who would come from the line of David to seek and save all of mankind.

In our participation in God’s work, would we similarly steward all that God has given us for His glory and not our own? Even if it was not what we had originally imagined, and even if we do not necessarily get to hold the fruit of our stewardship in our hands? Would we trust that God, who absolutely knows what He is doing, would be faithful to His promise? And would we submit to Him, allowing Him to work and use us in any way He desires?

Just like David, may we find joy in glorifying God through our faithful stewardship and submission.


Do you struggle with stewarding your resources when you cannot see the result of your stewardship?

What are some ways in which God is calling you to steward what you have for His glory?

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Om denne plan

The Man After God's Heart

From the beginning, God intended for us to be in His presence. The Garden of Eden exemplified perfect communion until sin disrupted it. Throughout history, God has restored communion, from leading the Israelites to establishing His presence in the tabernacle and temple, culminating in Jesus’ arrival and sacrifice. Now, the Holy Spirit resides in every believer, making us God's temple.
