The Man After God's HeartUddrag

The Man After God's Heart

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More often than not, our journeys of following God’s will are met with unexpected challenges.

After being anointed by Samuel and slaying Goliath, David’s popularity rose and Saul was hunting him. Accompanied by thousands of the highest skilled soldiers (v2), all could see that Saul was bent on coming back with David’s head so that he may hold on to his kingship.

Put yourself in David’s shoes. What might you have felt? Perhaps a mix of fear, indignance, and anger simultaneously. David’s mind must have been unsettled, with his instinctive priority being to protect his own life at all costs. Yet now, God has placed David in a position with Saul in his hands (v4). All of a sudden, the tables have turned; David is now in control.

Yet, what characterised David’s actions was neither pragmatism nor worldly vengeance: it was a trust in God’s sovereignty (v6-7). David loved God so intimately that his heart was soft to heed and obey Him over whatever fleshly temptation he might have had of exacting revenge by killing Saul.

Knowing that God had called him to become the next king, David could have easily justified his means by securing his own safety and kingship—not once but twice.

Yet, David chose to align his actions with God’s will and spare Saul on both occasions, revealing a deep trust in God’s plan and providence even in life-threatening situations by following His ways instead of taking matters into his own hands.

Fundamentally, David understood it would be better to struggle in the desert and obey God than to violate God’s will and sit on a throne; his heart in surrendering to God's plans is worth emulating. Communicating closely with God is striving to give God control and follow His direction in our everyday lives, not just occasionally.

God promises us that He works for our good, and we can be confident of His sovereignty, even in despair: the same God who delivered David is the one who we worship today.

In what areas of your life do you need to be patient and trust God’s sovereignty, especially regarding the things He has promised you?

Commit these areas to God in prayer, and place your confidence in God as Jehovah Jireh, allowing Him to direct your life and ministries for His purposes.

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The Man After God's Heart

From the beginning, God intended for us to be in His presence. The Garden of Eden exemplified perfect communion until sin disrupted it. Throughout history, God has restored communion, from leading the Israelites to establishing His presence in the tabernacle and temple, culminating in Jesus’ arrival and sacrifice. Now, the Holy Spirit resides in every believer, making us God's temple.
