When the Music of Your Soul Stops...Uddrag

When the Music of Your Soul Stops...

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When the Music of Your Soul Stops, Heal Your Heart

You never planned on losing your music, and maybe you didn't think this could happen to you. But, as servants of God, we were called to worship him in good times and bad, just as David quotes: “I will extol the LORD at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.” (Psalm 34:1). The blows of life and the kingdom of darkness work daily to cause us to lose our music, which can lead to our faith also weakening or, worse yet, losing it.

A very vivid illustration of this battle is shown to us in the following verse of Scripture: "And armed bands had gone out from Syria, and had taken captive from the land of Israel a girl, who served Naaman's wife" (2 Kings 5:2). This girl's heart was completely broken; They kidnapped her and took her to a strange land to be a slave. Deprived of her family, her friends, and her home, she lost everything in just an instant. Her heart was filled with great wounds and she, like any human being, felt great contempt for her captors.

The surprising thing about this story is that, at the same time, the Bible tells us that the master of the house in which she served needed a great miracle of healing, and was precisely the person used by God so that her master could obtain that miracle that he needed so much.

In this process, we see that, although tribulation and pain tried to drown out this young woman's music, God healed her heart, and the sound of her worship was heard again. Today I want to tell you that they may break your heart and turn off your music for a moment, but the God of Israel will heal it, and better worship will flow from within you.

Perhaps as you read these lines, you wonder how music can recover when someone is in an internal battle with God, and why God even allowed any of this. The truth is that God allows us to go through certain circumstances, and others happen because of the wrong decisions we have made. Whatever the cause, God will continue working in us, and with our mistakes.

We have a God who wants to heal our hearts and fill it with his peace. So, how can we avoid continuing to live in sadness, depression, anxiety, and pain? The first step is we need to forgive. I know it's not always easy to do, but if we want God to restore our hearts, we must do it. Forgiveness is not about feeling; We will never feel like we forgive, but we must decide to forgive.

Luis decided to forgive. I encourage you to also decide to forgive today.

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Om denne plan

When the Music of Your Soul Stops...

By reading this devotional, you will learn to find your worship with the essential help of the Holy Spirit, who will make it possible for you to recover the joy and peace you experienced when you had your first encounter with Jesus. And, even if you go through different trials, you will always have a heart full of music for God.
