When the Music of Your Soul Stops...Uddrag

When the Music of Your Soul Stops...

DAG 1 AF 3

How To Worship When the Music Stops

On one occasion I met a Copastor named Luis, who during his youth, and for eighteen years, worshiped God by leading the Worship team, for another ten, in many churches, conferences, and conventions in different states and countries. His life revolved around the Kingdom of God. But, one day, as the Gospel of Matthew says, "And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and burst against that house." His wife left him and he ended up divorced and with a small child. Luis asked God, "Why me if all I have done is serve you?"

King David, one of the greatest worshipers, experienced the situation of being in battle and the desire to conclude that fight to return to his house in search of peace. However, instead of a festive reception, he found his house burned down and, in addition, he was given the news of the kidnapping of his family by the Amalekites (1 Samuel 30). In seconds, the music flowing in his heart stopped. Verse 4 tells of David and his people “lifting up their voices and weeping until they had no strength to cry,” because no matter how great a worshiper or warrior we are, at some point in life, we will face an event that will challenge our worship and, although there is bitterness of soul in our being (verse 6), we will have to learn to find God once again (verse 8). Only He will be able to guide us on how to act to recover what we lost. Only God can make a failure, a pain, a loss, that which made us cry bitterly end up being used for our good and in our favor.

Continuing with the story of David, the psalmist tells us that, after weeping bitterly, he sought the face of the Lord, received guidance, and recovered his family and everything he had lost. Despite his reluctance to praise and worship God, he did so, humbled himself, and sought His face. We experience this in our lives when we do not feel the desire to worship God also due to the trials and difficulties we face. It is precisely in these circumstances when, with greater determination, we must stand firm and continue worshiping and crying out because, when our worship is heard in the heavens, the floodgates of heaven will open! David said: “Bless the Lord, my soul, and let my whole being bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, my soul, and forget not any of his benefits. He is the one who forgives all your iniquities, the one who heals all your diseases; the one who rescues your life from the hole, the one who crowns you with favors and mercies; the one who satisfies your mouth with good so that you become younger like the eagle." As we see here, David commanded his soul to bless God and reminded himself of all the wonderful benefits of glorifying and exalting Him.

We know that pain and emotions will want to dominate us, but we must not allow feelings to manage our time with God. There may not be music around you, but the Holy Lamb is worthy of all worship and when we worship Him, He takes care of everything else.

King David presented, before Jehovah, all his afflictions, and so he also exposed, before the throne, his sorrow for having lost his music. Today is the day you too can do the same.

Although sometimes we may not understand the ways of the Lord, we are sure that God puts the fallen back on their feet. And, just as He never changes—and always keeps us—our worship must not change either.

Dag 2

Om denne plan

When the Music of Your Soul Stops...

By reading this devotional, you will learn to find your worship with the essential help of the Holy Spirit, who will make it possible for you to recover the joy and peace you experienced when you had your first encounter with Jesus. And, even if you go through different trials, you will always have a heart full of music for God.
