

DAG 6 AF 17

Visions Abound

A Roman officer has a vision of Peter, whom he had never met, so he sends for him. Meanwhile, Peter has a bizarre vision about a picnic blanket. Through these strange events, God sees the faith of a family outside of his "chosen people" and extends to them a personal invitation into his Church--choosing them to reveal his new plan to break down the division of Jew and Gentile.

Read: Acts 10:1-16(NLT)

Explore the Theme: Unbeknownst to both Cornelius and Peter, who are from two very different cultural backgrounds, God is working to bring them together to spread the gospel even further. Both of them are given visions without a lot of explanation. What do you think Cornelius was thinking when he was told to go and find a man named Simon (aka Peter)?

Likewise, God sends Peter a troubling vision three times. Peter has encountered the number three before, both when he denied knowing Jesus prior to his crucifixion and when Jesus restored their relationship after his resurrection. What impact do you think this triple vision has on him?

God’s messages don’t always make sense to us in the moment, but they are never without purpose and always with perfect timing. How do you think these visions stretched the faith of both Cornelius and Peter?

Ask God: Both Cornelius and Peter instantly recognize that their visions are from God. They are given clear directions on how to obey God, but none of the reasons for their visions--no doubt they were left with many questions. Are you able to discern when God is speaking to you or giving you direction? Ask him for discernment to hear his voice confidently.

What are some clear messages that God is sending you that have left you with questions? Ask him what it is he wants to teach you in the midst of those wonderings and for the obedience to follow him even when you are unsure of the purpose and outcome.

Live it Out: Look for opportunities this week to hear God’s voice. It won’t necessarily be in a vision like Cornelius’ and Peter’s, and may come in subtler, quieter ways. Pay attention to those nudgings that you notice, maybe something repeated like Peter’s vision which he is given three times. What is God asking you to do that may take you out of your comfort zone?

Dag 5Dag 7

Om denne plan


(Part two of a four part journey through the Books of Acts.) Even in (and especially in?) hard times, God is present and is working to build His Church. We can find encouragement in this. When circumstances force us to pivot, we don’t have to lose heart - God is with us.
