How to Be a FinisherUddrag

How to Be a Finisher

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FINISHERS Have Passion

Like we talked about yesterday, when we seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness first, our passions begin to align with his. The things God cares about start to be the things we care about. What breaks his heart soon begins to break ours.

God chose a calling just for each of us. It may have something to do with those hard things we experienced in our pasts or are walking through right now: the hurt suffered as a child, the loss of a loved one, an addiction battled and overcome.

Often, God brings us through difficult seasons so we can show others the way out. When we experience the joy of chains breaking, mountains being moved, and giants falling, we can’t help but get excited about sharing it with others. We become passionate about helping to bring healing and help to those in situations we recognize because of our own experiences.

We will choose the world’s pleasures and desires when left to our own devices. As Christ-followers, though, we begin to crucify those desires like Galatians 5:24 encourages when we seek God first and love him most. It is like an explosive chemical reaction when our passion aligns with God’s passion.

Seeking God first makes a job we just took for the paycheck become a place where we do our best work. When we love Jesus like crazy, it overflows through us onto everyone we meet. We begin to attract others to the light of God inside of us.

Are you passionate about prayer? Lead a prayer group. Is serving the homeless your thing? Find a place to regularly volunteer. Feel called to help others become healthy? Start a Facebook page to share some of your knowledge. Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. (Colossians 3:23)

If we figure out our passion, our calling is probably not too far behind.


What are you passionate about?

What makes you excited enough to wake up early and stay up late?

What do you daydream about doing or being?

Action Step: Start building the habit of spending time working towards your passions. Spend at least five minutes today working toward something you are passionate about.

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How to Be a Finisher

Quitting is the easier path; finishing the assignment God has given you probably takes more guts, grit, and grace than you have on your own. But wherever you are starting from, this five-day plan will encourage you and show you how to become a Finisher for the Kingdom of God!
