How to Be a FinisherUddrag

How to Be a Finisher

DAG 1 AF 5

What is a FINISHER?

This plan should probably come with a warning: the world does not always celebrate the steps it takes to become a FINISHER. Quitting is the easier path; finishing takes guts, grit, and a whole lot of grace.

In the simplest terms, a FINISHER finishes what they start. But we can’t mistake simple for easy. Over the five days of this plan, we will talk about what FINISHERS have in common: a plan, passion, purpose, and perseverance.

Don’t worry if you are not quite there yet. Something else FINISHERS understand is that progress is not always linear, and slow progress is still progress. This plan was designed to be an encouragement no matter what stage you are in to learn how to finish the assignment God has given you to help build his kingdom on earth.

Why Finish?

The first and best reason to become a FINISHER is to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. He became the ultimate FINISHER when he conquered death and the grave on the cross. At the end of our lives, we want to say I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7 ESV)

Secondly, when others watch how we handle the obstacles life throws at us—the unexpected job loss, a diagnosis we weren’t prepared for, or a divorce we didn’t plan on—our lives become a living testimony of what God can do.

Finally, we all have God-given assignments to complete on this earth while we are here. We do not have to accept the job; we can say no or ignore it. But there is an entirely new level of authority, blessing, and favor whenever we decide to be obedient and take each new step the Holy Spirit shows us.

Philippians 1:6 contains a FINISHER'S promise: And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. If God won’t quit until he is finished with us, shouldn’t we do the same for him?

Questions to Ponder:

What is the assignment God has given you for this season?

Are you doing it?

If not, why?

Action Step: If you are unsure about your assignment, take it to the Lord in prayer right now. Ask him for the wisdom and next steps to do whatever he asks of you.

Dag 2

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How to Be a Finisher

Quitting is the easier path; finishing the assignment God has given you probably takes more guts, grit, and grace than you have on your own. But wherever you are starting from, this five-day plan will encourage you and show you how to become a Finisher for the Kingdom of God!
