More Than____Uddrag

More Than____

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The most fundamental thing we all need in life is love. As children we naturally seek to be cared for and nurtured. We all need a sense of genuine care and affection from those around us as part of our foundation as humans. When he was creating the Earth, God recognised that it wasn’t good for humans to be alone, so he provided Adam with someone he could have a relationship with: Eve. We are made to be in community and to give and receive love.

Unfortunately, humans can disappoint us; we can be hurt when our need for love is not met or when our trust is broken. This is because we live in an imperfect world with imperfect people. God, however, lives above this.

In verse 38 and 39, Paul paints a picture of anything and everything this world could hurl at us to try and separate us from the love of God. He makes the very important distinction, though, that nothing can come between us and the love that God has for us. Not only can his love not be interfered with, it is deeper, wider and more powerful than any other love we could ever experience! It is a love that we can scarcely imagine and simply need to accept as the gift that it is.

Inevitably, we will face obstacles in life, but we have a choice whether we want to allow them to come between us and God. Paul says that nothing in creation, nor anything beyond this world, will separate us from God’s love; that means our circumstances do not have power over God’s love for us, even when they may feel like a barrier. With this promise that God’s love is so strong for us, we can trust knowing that no matter what hurdle we have to face, he is with us in it. His love will endure forever (Psalm 136).

One of the most reassuring things about this scripture is that it is coming from the mouth of Paul, someone who experienced severe persecution for his faith. Paul had been imprisoned for spreading the gospel of Jesus, yet he continued to believe that nothing could separate him from God’s love. This truly is a testament to how everlasting and powerful the love of God is, and is a message of how much we need to cling to this love, no matter our circumstances. God loves us more than we could ever know.


  1. Have you allowed your situation to appear bigger or more powerful than God’s love?  
  2. How can you actively accept God’s love, despite your current circumstances?  
  3. Is there someone in your life that is struggling at the moment who needs God’s love? Why don’t you pray and intercede for them?

Dag 4

Om denne plan

More Than____

Do you truly know that you have more than you need? God is for you. He is for us, and if he is for us, what could ever crush us? Join us in this brand new campaign as we explore Romans 8 together and see how we are so much more than our circumstances, more than our labels, and more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. Plan by Megan Gilbert.
