More Than____Uddrag

More Than____

DAG 2 AF 5


When I was five years old, I wanted to be two things when I grew up: a vet and an acrobat. I know, pretty exciting! I loved animals and wanted to be around them all day, but I also loved the idea of flying through the air at great heights. As I grew up, I quickly realised that to be a vet, I would also have to operate on said animals (no thank you) and in order to fly through the air, I’d have to come back down to the ground and I didn’t think my less-than-average hand-eye coordination would allow this to be a graceful activity. And so, I moved on to other dreams.

While I’m not upset that I didn’t become a vet or an acrobat, I think it’s interesting how we don’t consider the implications of our dreams or what we might have to do to achieve all that we set our minds to when we are children. There is a beauty in the simplicity of merely believing that we can do it just because we want to.

When was the last time you had a dream on your heart that you truly believed you could achieve? As adults, we often lose that child-like faith that we were born with. We can lose it when we experience the harsh reality of disappointment and failure.

This scripture, however, is encouraging us to believe that we truly can do all things because God will provide for us. He has already given us his greatest gift—Jesus—so why wouldn’t he continue to provide for us? In moments of dreaming, we can trust that God will help us nurture our deepest desires; and in trials, we can have faith that God will provide for us. We can, and will, do more than we can imagine through God.

Ephesians 3:20 tells us that God is “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us”. If you thought you had to work on your dreams or try to carry your burdens alone, God has something for you: his grace. His provision may not always come to us in the way we expect it to, but it will always be delivered in a gracious and loving way. Remember: God is for you (Romans 8:31).


  1. How can you apply this scripture to your current situation? Do you know in your heart that God wants only what’s best for you?  
  2. Is it time to start dreaming again with a child-like faith, knowing that God will provide?  
  3. If he gave the ultimate sacrifice of his only Son, how might he provide for you in your situation?

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Om denne plan

More Than____

Do you truly know that you have more than you need? God is for you. He is for us, and if he is for us, what could ever crush us? Join us in this brand new campaign as we explore Romans 8 together and see how we are so much more than our circumstances, more than our labels, and more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. Plan by Megan Gilbert.
