Fuel the Fireنموونە

Fuel the Fire

DAY 1 OF 7

Day 1 - Ps Liam & Madi Barlow | Citipointe Church Brisbane

MOMENTS INTO MOVEMENTS: How to turn moments into a lifestyle

Have you ever had a moment with God that has changed you, marked you and transformed you; but one week later you find yourself back in the place you were before that encounter? Sadly, this reality often happens when it comes to Youth Camp. Time and time again, God moves powerfully in our lives, but flash forward to 6 months down the track and we lose our fire. We believe that God is raising up the standard. No longer as a generation will we be satisfied with living moment to moment; we need to be a movement of people that are ready to say I will never go back. “The old me is crucified in Christ and the new me is here” (Romans 6:6). The transformation we have experienced in Jesus is not temporary but permanent: so how do we draw a line in the sand and turn our camp moments into a movement?

In Acts 9, Saul had a radical encounter with God that marked him forever. Many of us would know this Saul as Paul, who went on to write a lot of the New Testament and be a powerful force for the Kingdom. So how did Saul do it? How did he allow this encounter to change him forever? How did he no longer let his past define him from this one moment with God? In the passage following Saul's encounter (v19-31), it lists some immediate things he did to see everlasting change.

1. He found community.

He first sought out a good Christian community and devoted himself to their teaching (v19, v27). This is what we all need to do. Community and accountability are always required if you want to see your encounter outlast an event. Who is your community? Do you attend a small group? Who is your leader that you ALLOW to correct you, encourage you and grow you? It is time to implement this in your life.

2. He became a carrier, not just a consumer.

Paul started preaching and carrying the Gospel immediately after he found community and accountability (v20). He understood that Christianity is not about being a spectator, but a carrier. He didn’t have the experience; on paper, he was unqualified. However, God has called us all to play a part in His Kingdom regardless of our journey. What team are you on? How are you contributing to your youth ministry or reaching your world? It is time to join a team and be mobilised in God’s plan for you.

I pray that as we find these things in our lives, our camp moment would not just be a moment but a movement. That we would be able to say, “in 2024 everything changed and there was no turning back”. Let’s fuel this fire and come back next year stronger and better. THIS IS A MOVE OF GOD.


  1. Find some Christian friends and join a small group
  2. Find a leader and ask them to disciple you
  3. Ask your youth pastor how you can be a part of the team and advance the gospel in your region.
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About this Plan

Fuel the Fire

What an amazing time at myyouthcamp! We have seen and experienced the fire and the presence of God, but can we all carry it home? Our prayer is that camp would not just impact a few days of your life, but your entire life. It is time to pray, get in the Word and seek God like never before. Some of our amazing pastors have written devotions to help you kick start a fresh lifestyle of being found daily in the Word of God. We pray this is a starting point to a life of seeking God's presence.
