7 Prominent Themes of the Psalmists in 7 Daysنموونە

7 Prominent Themes of the Psalmists in 7 Days

DAY 3 OF 7

Day 3 - Ps Amy Jorgensen

Grief and Sorrow

Although grief and sorrow are a completely natural and normal part of life they are not something that we like or hope to experience.

Grief comes in many forms, the most painful to experience is the loss of a loved one or friend. It can also show up through broken relationships, financial loss, long term illness, disability, isolation - anything that involves the loss of something.

It is in these times of heartache that we have a choice of how we will walk through the valley. Grief can be unpredictable and takes time to process and walk through. It is in the valley that with whatever limited capacity we feel we have, a choice does remain whether we will numb or avoid the pain, or whether we will take our pain to the One who understands grief more than anyone on Earth. Our God who sent His only son to endure an unjust and painful death for us. God gently beckons us to surrender every facet of our lives to Him including our brokenness, sorrow, grief and disappointment.

David knew how to express the true and authentic feelings of his soul to God but he also knew how to remind his soul where his comfort and healing came from. Psalm 42:5 My soul is downcast within me, therefore I will remember You. Psalm 42:11 Why my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Saviour and my God.

It can be difficult to have clarity and hope when you are in the valley of pain and despair but He is ever present. He also designed us to live in community and to lean into others. In Galatians 6:2 it says we are to ‘bear one another’s burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ.’ Your local church will be able to help you with prayer, encouragement and support as you walk through grief and sorrow.


Lord God, I thank You that You are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow - on the mountain tops and in the valleys. Thank You that I can bring everything to You - not just my praise, worship and prayers but also my brokenness, sorrow, grief and disappointment. Thank You Holy Spirit that You are the greatest comforter and counsellor (John 14:26). Even though it hurts and even though I don’t understand why I am experiencing this, I choose to lift my eyes upward and remind my soul that You know, You understand, and You will be so close to me (Psalm 34:18) and bring me through my valley as I choose to put my trust in You. Amen

NOTE: At Citipointe Brisbane we host the Grief Share Course to walk through and support those who have lost a loved one. Please email care@citipointechurch.com for information.


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