Living a Transformed Lifeنموونە

Living a Transformed Life

DAY 4 OF 5

Gideon — From Hidden to Hero

Gideon was called to lead the nation of Israel and defeat the oppressing Midianite forces. Initially, he had a very belittling view of himself and was filled with fear. But when the Lord showed up and empowered Gideon with His Spirit, he was transformed into a bold warrior who obeyed God’s instructions and defeated Israel’s enemies.

After the death of Joshua, the nation of Israel entered a time when judges ruled them, and God raised one such judge named Gideon from out from among His people. The Lord called him during a period when the Israelites rebelled against Him and worshipped false gods. As a result of their disobedience, the Lord delivered them into the hands of the Midianites (see Judges 6:1).

Isn’t it amazing how we turn to God when we’re in trouble, and our world seems to be falling apart? Nothing seems to capture our undivided attention like coming face to face with catastrophe, and that is exactly where the children of Israel were. It was at their point of desperation that the Bible says the Angel of the Lord made a surprise appearance to Gideon while he was secretly threshing wheat in his family’s winepress (see Judges 6:11).

It’s important to point out that the Angel of the Lord in this passage is once again a pre-incarnate manifestation of the Lord Himself. Also note what the Lord says to Gideon: He calls him a “mighty man of valor” and then prophesies victory over the Midianites by his hand. In Gideon’s mind, this prediction is just too far-fetched for him to believe, which is why he replies, “Oh, that’s not me. I’m the runt of my family, and our tribe is the least of all in Israel. You have the wrong person.”

Can you identify with Gideon? Has God ever commissioned you to do something, but you thought to yourself, “Oh, no God. That’s not me! I just don’t have what it takes to do what You’re asking!”? This type of comparing yourself with others is unhealthy. Friend, God only made one of you. Out of eight billion people on the planet, no one has your eyes, voice, fingerprints, or DNA. Furthermore, God has equipped you to do something special, and that’s what He was telling Gideon.

When God chose Gideon, He knew exactly what He was doing and what He was getting. He knew all of Gideon’s gifts and strengths as well as his faults and weaknesses, and He knows the same things about you!

The Bible says in Proverbs 23:7, “For as he (a man) thinks in his heart, so is he….” In other words, what you think of yourself is what you become, and considering the thousands of thoughts that fill your brain every day, it’s vital to periodically stop and give thought to what you think about yourself.

If you think and believe thoughts that you’re unworthy, incapable, and unlovable, that’s what you’ll be. If you think you’re lacking, less than, or the least, that’s what you’ll experience. You literally are what you think! That’s why it’s crucial for you to renew your mind with the truth of God’s Word and begin to think and believe what He says about you. When you believe and speak what God says, you come into agreement with Him and position yourself to succeed at anything and everything He calls you to do.

Sometimes accepting what God says about you and His assignment for your life can be a process. Gideon asked Him for a confirming sign to ensure that he was really hearing from God and that he had God’s favor. The Lord wasn’t frustrated or put out by Gideon’s request — He saw Gideon’s willing heart to obey and provided the confirming sign he needed. As Gideon got into agreement with what God said about him, God empowered him to carry out his assignment. He destroyed his father’s idols, rallied a group of warriors, and defeated the Midianites in the matchless might of the One True God!

Be encouraged by Gideon’s story! If he was victorious in his God-given assignment, you will be victorious in yours. But unlike Gideon, you have the Person of the Holy Spirit living inside you — not just with you — and His resurrection power is greater than all the enemy's power. So begin to align your thinking with God’s Word, and start saying what He says about you. The transforming resurrection power of God inside you is well able to take down any lie, false accusation, or enemy coming against you! Like Gideon, you can stand up against any enemy and experience victory through the empowering grace of Jesus Christ!


Begin to think and say what God says about you. For instance, God says:

  • You’re a brand-new creation in Christ Jesus! (See Second Corinthians 5:17.)
  • You’re acceptable to God in Christ! (See Ephesians 1:6.)
  • You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! (See Second Corinthians 5:21.)
  • You are strong in the Lord in the power of His might! (See Ephesians 6:10.)
  • You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength! (See Philippians 4:13.)
  • You’re the head and not the tail; you’re above and not beneath! (See Deuteronomy 28:13.)


1. Disobedience comes with a price, and the Israelites were paying a high cost for their ungodly choices. Thankfully, God is merciful and provides a path or restoration to the right relationship with Him. According to First John 1:9, Acts 2:38, and 3:19, what is the right God-ordained way to respond when we’ve sinned and disobeyed Him? (Also consider Proverbs 28:13 and Psalm 32:1-6.)

2. When you choose to walk in obedience, you position yourself to receive God’s blessing! What can you expect to happen when you obey the Lord? Consider what He says in these passages.

  • Isaiah 1:19
  • Exodus 19:5,6; 20:6
  • 1 Kings 3:14
  • James 1:22-25
  • Deuteronomy 28:1-14

3. You are one of a kind! No one else on planet Earth is like you. David understood this truth and was moved by God’s Spirit to write about it in Psalm 139:1-18. As you carefully reflect on this passage, what are the things God knows about you? What does this tell you about your flaws and weaknesses and the times you sin and fall short of His standard?

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About this Plan

Living a Transformed Life

When God’s presence and power touch someone’s life, they are never the same! As believers, being transformed into the image of Jesus is a process that occurs over time as we cooperate with the Holy Spirit. Throughout history, countless people have experienced transformation. In this fascinating plan, Denise Renner examines the lives of Hagar, Elijah, Jacob, Gideon, and Nebuchadnezzar — revealing how God transformed them through encounters with Him.
