Living a Transformed Lifeنموونە

Living a Transformed Life

DAY 2 OF 5

Elijah — From Depression to Resurrection

Elijah was a prophet used mightily by God to stomp out the worship of false gods during King Ahab’s reign. After flowing powerfully in God’s anointing, Elijah became physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted, and fear entered his soul. Rather than judge Elijah, the Lord comforted him with much-needed food and rest, infusing him with strength and boldness to carry out his assignment.

As we fix our eyes on Jesus, we are transformed into His glorious image in ever-increasing degrees. It’s inevitable. When God’s presence and power touch our lives, we are never the same again. This is evident in Elijah’s story.

If anyone in the Old Testament knew God’s power, it was the prophet Elijah. His ministry began about 55 years after Solomon’s death, and he served as God’s mouthpiece to both the kingdom of Israel and Judah during a rebellious era. The most memorable display of God’s power took place during the reign of Ahab, king of Israel. Jezebel, Ahab’s wicked wife, had established idolatry and the worship of Baal throughout the land. To provoke the people to choose, a showdown occurred between Baal and Jehovah — the One True God.

Two altars were set up with a sacrifice ready to be offered on each, and Elijah declared that the God who answers their sacrifice with fire is God. Scripture says the prophets of Baal cried out from morning until afternoon, hoping that Baal would manifest and consume their sacrifice, but he never responded. At the time of the evening sacrifice, Elijah arranged the sacrifice to God on the altar and had it and the wood drenched in water. He then prayed and asked God to show the people He is the One True God by consuming the sacrifice with fire from Heaven. The fire of the Lord consumed Elijah’s sacrifice, and everyone watching fell on their faces, praising God.

Elijah immediately mobilized the people of Israel, seized all 450 prophets of Baal, and then brought them to the Kishon Valley, where they were slaughtered. Without question, this was one amazing day of ministry for Elijah.

In the meantime, Ahab told Jezebel what Elijah had done, and she immediately responded by sending a messenger to deliver a death threat to Elijah. After flowing powerfully in the anointing of God, Elijah essentially collapsed. Physically, mentally, and emotionally, he was sapped of his strength, and after hearing Jezebel’s threats against his life, discouragement and deep despair had taken a firm grip on his soul. Suddenly, as he rested underneath a tree, an angel appeared to him with food and water, comforting him as he rested.

Notice that God didn’t come to bring judgment to Elijah — He brought comfort in the form of warm food, refreshing drink, and sweet sleep. This is what Elijah needed most. If you’re absolutely exhausted like Elijah, God isn’t waiting to criticize or judge you. He wants to comfort and strengthen you just as He did Elijah!

As Elijah rested, he was again visited by an angel who provided him with food and drink. Again, we see that God was not ready to pounce on Elijah or put him down because he was defeated in spirit and struggling with unbelief. On the contrary, God came a second time to comfort and strengthen him and walk with him for the rest of his journey.

It wasn’t time for Elijah to die — God had more for him to do. The same is true for you! You may be physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted right now. But no problem is too big for God! He doesn’t want you to live in perpetual exhaustion. He wants to strengthen you by the power of His Spirit living inside you! He is the Unstoppable One, and through His strength, you can do all things (see Philippians 4:13).

Study Questions:

1. God doesn’t want you to live in perpetual exhaustion. He wants to strengthen you just as He strengthened Elijah by the power of His Spirit. How do you receive His strength? Consider what God says in the following passages and begin to draw upon the strength of His Spirit daily.

  • Isaiah 40:28-31; 41:10
  • Micah 3:8; Zechariah 4:6; Acts 1:8
  • Ephesians 3:16-21
  • 2 Corinthians 12:9,10
  • Philippians 4:13

2. Elijah’s life is a reminder that in addition to feeding our spirit, we all need to take care of our body and soul. What does God’s Word have to say regarding this? Check out these verses — in a few Bible versions — for some answers.

  • Romans 12:1
  • 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
  • 2 Corinthians 7:1

3. Does it seem as though your situation is impossible to change? It’s not if you’ll invite God into it! Read Jesus’ extraordinary promise repeated in Matthew 19:26, Mark 9:23, and 10:27, along with God’s encouraging words through Gabriel in Luke 1:37.

ڕۆژی 1ڕۆژی 3

About this Plan

Living a Transformed Life

When God’s presence and power touch someone’s life, they are never the same! As believers, being transformed into the image of Jesus is a process that occurs over time as we cooperate with the Holy Spirit. Throughout history, countless people have experienced transformation. In this fascinating plan, Denise Renner examines the lives of Hagar, Elijah, Jacob, Gideon, and Nebuchadnezzar — revealing how God transformed them through encounters with Him.
