Pray First: Abide • Ask • Followنموونە

Pray First: Abide • Ask • Follow

DAY 6 OF 21

Day 6: Abide and Obey

Come Before Him In Worship: Enter into this time with an open heart before Him. Make room to see your Teacher with your own eyes, to hear Him with your own ears. Ask Him to expand your borders in the spirit, for the Spirit searches out everything and reveals the secrets of God to us. Only His love can transform the heart of man. Even in this moment, stop and let Him minister to your heart. Let His love move you as you move His, by your faith in who He is and His ways.”Father, you have my yes! You are worth it—the abiding, the surrendering, the believing, the obeying, everything. This is how I love and live, here on earth as it is in heaven. Oh my precious Lord, I love you, and eagerly anticipate your perfect work in me. Thank You for what You will do!”

“If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.” John 15:10

Devotion: After Jesus calls us to remain in His love, He tells us to keep His commands in order to remain there. He then points us to His own example for direction. These are not works that we have to do in order to be saved (or to become - or remain - worthy of his love). Salvation is given to sinners simply because of the grace of God (Ephesians 2:8-9). But, to the believer that is in Christ, our works are strength and blessing, for through them our faith is made perfect (James 2:22), our relationship with Jesus is cemented, and our hearts are more deeply rooted in the love of God (John 14:23).

When we read these commands to obey God, which are everywhere in God’s word, many obstacles come to mind, including the following: First of all, we worry that, since our salvation is not the result of works, but of grace, focusing on works might bring bondage and make us like Pharisees. Secondly, it just feels impossible! We tend to equate obedience with absolute perfection, adding up all of the things we’re supposed to be and do, and then give up in despair at the first sign of failure.

In actuality, it is sin that brings bondage (John 8:34). If we let it stay, it will dull our conscience, darken our hearts, and rob us of the fullness of Jesus’ presence and power for our lives. God’s commands are always given to protect us and to bring us abundant life and freedom (John 8:31-21). We can not (and will not) obey them perfectly! On this, we all agree! We must rely on Him to help us and to purify us. What God wants is our heart, our wholehearted, “Yes, we agree with you on what is right and wrong!” Then, as we step out in faith and love to do what He says, He will provide the grace and strength for us to be able to accomplish it. What the law demands of us, grace promises and performs for us. At the end of the day, we repent over our failures, and receive the loving forgiveness of our compassionate heavenly Father, who spurs us on to righteousness and freedom! The next day, we commit again to obey in the strength of the Spirit. This is the obedient life. This is the life that abides and overflows with the Spirit of God! Abiding involves obedience.

Respond in Prayer: “My Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth (in me) as it is in heaven.” This is my prayer as I walk in obedience to You! You never said it would be easy, but the fruit that comes from it is eternal, unto abundant life, and therefore unto Your glory. Teach me how to not look inwardly, Father, but to look to You for the grace and strength to stay the course. When condemnation tries to creep in, silence the voice of my accuser and let the voice of my Shepherd sing louder! The road to sanctification is one of continual surrender and obedience to You Lord, and as I keep my heart open before You, I trust You because I KNOW that everything You do is perfect and good.

As my heart is awakened to greater depths of Your Person, obedience becomes easier and I’m made more holy. So Father I ask You, by faith and in Your name, that You search my heart—is there any wicked way in me? I want to surrender, I want to abide, I want to obey, I want to be holy, so that Your heart’s desire is fulfilled in my life as a vessel made for Your glory and Kingdom, on this earth as it is in heaven! Fulfill what You wrote in my scroll since eternity past my Lord, so that You may receive all the honor and praise!


ڕۆژی 5ڕۆژی 7

About this Plan

Pray First: Abide • Ask • Follow

The start of a new year provides us all with a great opportunity to take stock of our relationship with Jesus. Are you strong in him? Have you drifted? Are you hungry for more? This prayer plan is designed to help in that endeavor and to mobilize you, alongside your brothers and sisters in Christ, for the Kingdom! Use the prayer prompts to spur your own Spirit-directed prayers.
