Pray First: Abide • Ask • Followنموونە

Pray First: Abide • Ask • Follow

DAY 21 OF 21

Day 21: Follow and Trust

Come Before Him in Worship: Oh how freeing it is to be free of the deception that I am in control. It is a liberating existence when I throw my hands up and tangibly trust His power and providence.

Let’s combat any accusations or fears today with a reminder of His faithfulness. How has He displayed His trustworthiness over your life? What was a time when He met you in your powerlessness and proved that He can be trusted? Once you remember a moment, you could speak these words to Him: “Thank You for always finishing what You start. Thank You for proving faithful time and time again. Teach me to trust You this day. I love You.”

“Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.” Hebrews 13:20-21

Devotion: The writer of Hebrews closes his letter to a people who, based on the contents of that letter, were far from perfect and in danger of denying the faith altogether, with a heartfelt and lofty prayer that they would be equipped with everything good so that they might obey the will of God and accomplish His work. In what or in whom did he find hope for such a transformation?

His hope rested in who God is. We began this 21-Day Prayer Challenge coming to Jesus to find rest for our souls. Here, the prayer is addressed to the “God of Peace.” The God who “brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus” and swept away the alienation and enmity between us and God, by covering us with the righteousness of Christ! For us to experience the peace we crave, our relationship with God has to be set right through faith in Him.

However, peace also rests in us taking His yoke upon us and conforming our lives to His will. We have spoken in these 21-days of how to walk in that conformity; and yet, at times it still feels as if our hearts are too swept by the waves to be brought to that level of submission to his will. Thanks be to God, that He is powerful enough to speak “Peace, be still” into our hearts! (Mark 4:39) Trust Him, fellow Saints, to equip us with everything good that we may do His will, and to work in us that which is pleasing in His sight! The One who calls us is faithful and He will do it (1 Thessalonians 5:24)! To Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen!

Respond in Prayer: Jesus. You are worthy of my full trust. I lay down the need to overachieve and outperform. I lay aside the lie that it’s all up to me. I align myself with the truth today. You, who began a good work in me, will complete it. In You, all things consist, hold together, and work together for Your glory and my good.

I choose to spend less time worrying and more time praising. Perfection is not my mark, it was Yours. And You alone achieved it. I revel in the work that You’ve done and the work that You’re doing all around me. Teach me great trust, on the mountain and in the valley. And whatever today brings, may my tongue echo the words of my teacher, “Not my will, but Yours be done.” For Your glory and great pleasure. Amen.

ڕۆژی 20

About this Plan

Pray First: Abide • Ask • Follow

The start of a new year provides us all with a great opportunity to take stock of our relationship with Jesus. Are you strong in him? Have you drifted? Are you hungry for more? This prayer plan is designed to help in that endeavor and to mobilize you, alongside your brothers and sisters in Christ, for the Kingdom! Use the prayer prompts to spur your own Spirit-directed prayers.
