لۆگۆی یوڤێرژن
ئایکۆنی گەڕان

Luke 8

The sawin oʼ the seed. A storm laid. A lassie raised.
1And it cam aboot that in due coorse he gaed throwe aʼ cities and villages preachin, and bringin the Gude‐tidins oʼ the Kingdom oʼ God, and the Twalʼ war wiʼ him;
2And certain weemen wha had been healed oʼ foul spirits, and illnesses; Mary, caʼd the Magdalene,
3And Joan, wife oʼ Chuza, Herodʼs steward; and Susanna; and mony mair, wha war giean oot to them oʼ their ain plenishin.
4And whan a great thrang cam thegither, and they oʼ the cities journeyʼd till him, he spak throwe a parable:
5“A sawer gaed oot to saw his seed; and as he sawed, some fell aside the fit‐road, and was trampit doon, and the burdies oʼ the air devoorʼt it.
6“And ither fell on the rock; and as sune as it brairdit it dwined awa; for it wanted moisture.
7“And ither fell amang the thorns; and, growin up wiʼt, the thorns smoorʼd it.
8“And ither some fell intil the gude grunʼ; and brairdin, brocht forth frute, a hunner‐fauld.” Thir things sayin, he cryʼt alood, “He wha has lugs to hear, let him hear!”
9But his disciples war speirin at him, “What may this parable be?”
10And he said, “To you it is giʼen to win the knowledge oʼ the mysteries oʼ Godʼs Kingdom: but to the lave in parables: sae seein they see‐na, and hearin they understaun‐na.#8:10 Wha winna see, canna see; and wha winna understaun, canna even hear! God mak gleg oor hearin and seein!
11“Noo the parable is this:— The Seed is the Word oʼ God.
12“And they by the fit‐road are they wha hear; than comes Sautan, and cleeks awa the word frae their heart, least, believin, they soud be saved.
13“And thir on the rock are they wha, whan they hear, wiʼ joy welcome the word; but they hae nae rute — wha believe for a wee, and in time oʼ trial faʼ away.
14“And thir that fell amang the thorns, are they that hear; and as they gang on their way, are smoorʼd wiʼ cark and care, and the gear and the joys oʼ this life, and bring nae frute to the ripenin.
15“But that iʼ the gude grun are they wha, in an honest and leal heart, hear the word and grip it fast; and, tholin aʼ, bring their frute to perfeteness.
16“For nane, luntin a crusie, covers it ower wiʼ a dish, or pits it aneath a couch; but sets it on a stun, that they wha come in may see the licht.
17“For thar is nae secret but sal be unfauldit; nor onything hidlins that sanna be kent.
18“Tak tent, than, hoo ye hear! for to wha has sal rowth be giʼen; and wha has‐na, frae him sal be taʼen awa eʼen what he seems to hae!”
19Noo thar cam seekin him his mither and his brethren; but they coudna win nar him for the thrang.
20And it was said to him, “Yere mither and yere brethren are staunin oot‐by, and wad see ye!”
21But he answerʼt, and quoʼ he to them, “My mither and my brethren are thir — wha hear the Word oʼ God, anʼ do it!”
22And it cam, that on ane oʼ the days, he gaed intil a boat, he and his disciples, and he said to them, “Lat us gang ower to the other side oʼ the Loch!”
23And they set oot. Noo, as they war sailin, he fell asleep. And thar cam doon an unco storm oʼ winʼ intil the Loch; and they were fillin, and war in danger.
24And they cam till him, and waukenʼd him, sayin, “Maister! Maister! we perish!” And he raise, and challenged the winʼ and the raginʼ oʼ the watir; and they war lown, and it becam a calm.
25And he said to them, “Whaur is yere faith?” But, struck wiʼ dreid, they ferlied, sayin ane to anither, “Whatna man is this, that he orders the winʼs and watirs, and they obey him?”
26And they cam till the kintra‐side oʼ the Gerasenes, whilk, indeed, is ower fornent Galilee.
27And whan they war come forth on the lanʼ, a certain man met him, oot oʼ the citie, wha had demons, and for lang had worn nae claes; nor wad bide in ony hoose, but iʼ the tombs:
28But seeinʼ Jesus, he cryʼt oot, and fell doon afore him, and wiʼ a soondin voice cryʼt, “What hae I to dae wiʼ thee, Jesus! Son oʼ God Maist Heigh! I entreat thee, torment‐me‐na!”
29For he commandit the foul spirit to come oot oʼ the man: for aft it had grippit him; and he was keepit in ward, and bund wiʼ fetters and chains; and, rivin his bonds sindry, he was caʼd intil the deserts by the demons.
30And Jesus demandit oʼ him, “What is yere name?” And he said, “Legion!” for that mony demons had enterʼt intil him.
31And they entreatit him that he wadna command them to gang oot intil the abyss.
32Noo thar was a herd oʼ mony swine feedin on the mountain; and they entreatit him that he wad gie them leave to enter intil them. And he loot them.
33And the demons, gaun forth frae the man, gaed intil the swine. And the hale herd rushed doon the scaur intil the Loch, and war drooned.
34And whan they that herdit them saw what was dune, they fled, and tellʼt it iʼ the citie, and iʼ the kintra‐side.
35And they cam oot to see what had come to pass, and cam to Jesus and faund the man the demons had gane oot oʼ, cleedit and in his richt senses, at the feet oʼ Jesus: and they fearʼt.
36And they wha beheld, tauld hoo the ane possessʼt wiʼ demons was saved.
37Than the hail oʼ the kintra‐side oʼ the Gerasenes entreatit him to depairt frae them; for they war hauden wiʼ a great fear. And he, gaun intil a boat, returned again.
38Noo the man the demons had gane oot oʼ, was entreatin him that he micht be wiʼ him; but he sent him awa, sayin,
39“Gang yere ways to yere hoose, and schaw what great things God has wrocht for ye!” And he gaed aff, and tellʼt throwe the hail citie hoo great things Jesus had dune for him.
40Noo as Jesus returned, aʼ the folk welcomed him back; for they war lookin for him.
41And see! thar cam ane named Jairus, and the same was a ruler iʼ the kirk. And faʼn doon at Jesusʼ feet, he entreated him to come to his hoose.
42For he had but ae dochter, aboot twalʼ year auld, and she lay deein. But as he gaed, the thrang delayʼt him.
43And a wumman haein a flowin for twal year — wha indeed had wared aʼ her gear on doctors, and wasna healed oʼ ony —
44Cam ahint him, and touched the fringe oʼ his mantle; and at ance her flowin oʼ blude stanchʼt.
45And Jesus said, “Wha isʼt that touchʼd me?” And, whan aʼ war denyin, Peter and they that war wiʼ him, replyʼt, “Maister! the multitudes hem thee in and thrang thee; and sayʼst thou, ‘Wha touched me?’ ”
46But Jesus said, “Some ane touched me; for I tak tent oʼ pooer gaun oot frae me!”
47And the wumman, seein she hadna escapit kennin, cam trimlin; and loutin doon afore him, tellʼt afore aʼ the folk for why she had touched him, and hoo she was healed at ance.
48And he said to her, “Dochter, yere faith has made ye hale; gang yere ways in peace!”
49Eʼen whiles he was speakin, cam ane frae the kirk‐rulerʼs hoose, sayin to him, “Yere dochter is deid; dinna fash the Maister ony mair!”
50But Jesus, hearinʼt, says, “Fear‐na! only believe, and she sal be saved.”
51And comin to the hoose, he sufferʼt nae man to gang in wiʼ him but Peter and John and James, and the faither oʼ the lassie, and her mither.
52And they war aʼ greetin and makin their maen ower her. But he said, “Wail na! for she deeʼt na, but is sleepin!”
53And they made derision oʼ him, kennin she was deid.#8:53 Nevir mock onyane, till ye ken what he means. And whan ye ken his meanin, tharʼll be naething to mock at! Thir folk wad be unco shamed oʼ their sels belyve!
54But he, takin her by the haun, spak alood, “Lassie! Rise!”
55And her spirit returned, and she raise at ance: and he spak that she soud hae to eat.
56And her parents war astoundit; but he chairged them no to tell ony what had been dune.

دیاریکراوەکانی ئێستا:

Luke 8: SCO1904


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