Luke 7
The weedowʼs son gien back to her. John in doot. Ane weshes Jesusʼ feet.
1Noo, eftir he had endit aʼ his teachin iʼ the hearinʼ oʼ the thrang, he gaed intil Capernaum.
2And a Centurionʼs servin‐man, wha was unco thocht oʼ by him, was ill, and ready to dee.
3But, hearin aboot Jesus, he sent to him Elders oʼ the Jews, wha besocht him that he wad come and save his servin‐man.
4And whan they cam to Jesus, they besocht him sair, sayin, “He is wordie to wham ye wad grant this:
5“For he loʼes oor nation, and has biggit us a kirk!”
6And Jesus was gaun wiʼ them. By this time he, no bein far frae the hoose, the Centurion sent freends to him, sayin “Lord, dinna fash yersel; for I am‐na wordie ye soud come under my roof.
7“And sae naither thocht I mysel wardie to come till ye; but speak wiʼ a word, and my servin‐lad sal be hale.
8“For eʼen I mysel am ane set under authoritie, and haein under me sodgers; and I say to ane, ‘Gang,’ and he gangs; and to anither, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my servin‐lad, ‘Do this,’ and he dis it.”
9And whan Jesus heard thae words, he ferlied at him; and turnin to the thrang that followʼt him, said, “I say tʼye, I hae‐na fund sic leal faith, na, no in Israʼl!”
10And they that were sent, returnin to the hoose, faund the servin‐lad weel.
11And it cam to pass in order, that he was gaun intil a citie caʼd Nain; and mony disciples gaed wiʼ him, and a great thrang.
12Noo whan he cam to the yett oʼ the citie, look! thar was carryʼt oot ane deid, the ae son oʼ his mither, and she was a weedow: and a hantle oʼ folk oʼ the citie war wiʼ her.
13And whan the Lord saw her, he had unco pitie on her, and says to her, “Dinna greet!”
14And gaun forrit, he touched the bier; and the bearers stude still; and he said, “Laddie! I say to thee, Rise!”
15And he that was deid sat up, and begude to speak. And he gied him ower to his mither.
16And a gliff fell on them aʼ; and they magnifyʼt God, cryin, “A great prophet has raise up amang us!” and “God has visitit his folk!”
17And this word aboot him gaed oot intil the hail oʼ Judea, and aʼ throwe the pairts roond aboot.
18And the disciples oʼ John tellʼt him aʼ thir things.
19And caʼin to him twa certain anes oʼ his disciples,#7:19 Was Johnʼs faith dwinin? Aiblins. Thoʼ he spak clear eneuch oʼ Christʼs spiritual pooʼer (John 1:36), he was aiblins like the prophets oʼ auld, and spak better nor he understude (1 Peter 1:10, 11), and was still expectin Jesus to set up a kingdom at Jerusalem. Jesus loot him ken, that gin he [Jesus] was doin the warks oʼ God, he maun also be doin Godʼs wull; and God wad tak care oʼ his ain Kingdom, whether it had human grandeur inʼt or no! John sent them to the Lord, sayin, “Are ye the Ane that soud come? or are we to look for anither ane?”
20And comin to him, the men said, “John Baptist has sent us to thee, sayin, ‘Are ye the Ane that soud come? or are we to look for anither ane?’ ”
21At that ʼoor he healed mony oʼ their ills and plagues, and foul spirits; and on mony blinʼ he bestowed sicht.
22And Jesus answerin, said to them, “Gang yere ways, and cairry word to John what ye saw and heard: hoo the blinʼ win their sicht, the lameters gang aboot, lepers are made clean, the deif hear, the deid are raised, and the needy hae the joyfuʼ message preached to them.
23“And weel may he be, wha finds nae cause oʼ stumblin in me!”
24And, the messengers oʼ John gaun awa, he begude to speak to aʼ the thrang anent John: “What gaed ye oot intil the waste to see? A reed, winʼ‐shaken?
25“But what wasʼt ye gaed oot to see? A man clad in saft attire? But look! they wha are fund in grand attire, and fend delicately, are in royal palaces.
26“But what gaed ye oot tae see? A prophet? Aye! say I tʼye: and muckle mair nor a prophet!
27“This is he oʼ wham it is putten‐doon, ‘Lo! I send oot my messenger afore yere face, wha sal mak yer fit‐road gangable afore ye!’
28“For I say tʼye, Amang aʼ that are born oʼ weemen, there isna a greater prophet than John the Baptist; yet he wha is the less in Godʼs Kingdom is greater nor he!”
29And aʼ the folk whan they heard — and the tax‐men — laudit God, bein bapteezʼt in Johnʼs bapteezin.
30But the Pharisees and the Writers pat aside the coonsel oʼ God again their sels, no bein bapteezʼt oʼ him.
31“Unto what, than, sal I compare the men oʼ this generation? and until what are they like?
32“They are like bairns sittin iʼ the merkit‐place, and cryin ane to anither, and sayin, ‘We piped to ye, and ye danced‐na; we crooned a dirge to ye, and ye grat‐na.’
33“For John the Baptist is come, naither eatin breid nor drinkin wine, and ye say, ‘He has a demon.’
34“The Son oʼ Man is come, eatin and drinkin; and ye say, ‘See! a man oʼ gluttony, and a wine‐tippler; a freend oʼ tax‐men and the ill‐deedie!’
35“And yet wisdom is justifeeʼt oʼ her bairns!”
36And a certain ane oʼ the Pharisees wad hae him come and eat wiʼ him: and gaun intil the hoose oʼ the Pharisee, he sat doon to meat.
37And see! a wumman oʼ the citie, wha was an ill‐dooer, whan she kent that he was sittin at meat iʼ the Phariseeʼs hoose, she gat her an alabaster cruse oʼ perfume,
38And stauninʼ ahint him, at his feet, she begude to weet his feet wiʼ her tears; and wiped the tears aff wiʼ her hair; and was kissin his feet, and crystit them wiʼ the perfume.
39But the Pharisee wha had bidden him, seein it, spak till his sel: “This ane, gin he war a prophet, wad hae taen tent wha and oʼ whatna sort this wumman is that touches him — that she is a bad ane.”
40And Jesus, answerin, says to him, “Simon, I hae a thing to say tʼye.” And he says, “Maister, say on!”
41“Thar was a certain creditor wha had twa debtors; the ane was awn fyve‐hunner siller‐pennies, and the tither fifty.
42“And whan they had nocht to pay wiʼ, he forgaʼe them baith. Whilk oʼ them, noo, wull loʼe him maist?”
43Answerin, quoʼ Simon, “I wad think he to wham he forgaʼe the maist.” And he says to them, “Ye hae judged richt.”
44And turnin him to the wumman he says to Simon, “See ye this wumman! I cam intil yere hoose: ye gied me nae watir for my feet; but she wat my feet wiʼ her tears, and wiped them aff wiʼ her hair.
45“Nae kiss gied‐ye‐me: but she, sinʼ I cam in, hasna left aff to kiss my feet.
46“Wiʼ nae ulyie did ye anoint my heid; but she, wiʼ perfume, crystit my feet.
47“Sae, say I tʼye, Her mony sins hae been forgiʼen; for she loʼed muckle; but to wham little is forgiʼen, he loʼes little.”
48And he said till her, “Yere sins are forgiʼen.”
49And they sittin at meat wiʼ him, begude to say to their sels, “Wha is this, that is eʼen forgiʼen sins?”
50But he said to the wumman, “Yere faith has saved ye! Gang in peace!”
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Luke 7: SCO1904
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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.