Acts 8
The fause man oʼ Samaria; and the leal man frae Ethiop.
1And Saul was ane wiʼ them, in his death. And thar gat up, that day, an unco persecution again the Kirk‐folk oʼ Jerusalem; and aʼ, except the Apostles, war scattered abreid throwe aʼ the kintra‐side oʼ Judea and Samaria.
2And godly men bure Stephen awaʼ, and made sair lamentin ower him.
3But as for Saul, he made waste oʼ the kirk, gangin intil aʼ hooses, and harlin aff men and weemen to prison.
4Sae they war aʼ scattered abreid; and gaed everygate preachin the Word.
5And Philip gaed doon to Samaria‐citie, and preached the Word to them.
6And aʼ the folk wiʼ ae mind gied gude tent to the things Philip spak; seein and hearin aʼ the wunner‐warks he wrocht.
7For foul spirits, skirlin wiʼ rage and pain, cam oot oʼ a hantle possessʼd anes; and mony wiʼ palsies, and that war lameters, war made hale.
8And thar was unco joy iʼ that citie.
9But thar was ane caʼd Simon, wha his sel iʼ that citie carryʼt on witchery, and glamorʼt the folk oʼ Samaria, lettin on that his ain sel was some great ane.
10And to him they aʼ gied heed, frae the least oʼ them to the heichest, for quoʼ they, “This man is Godʼs great pooer!”
11And they gied tent to him; for that he had lang glamorʼt them wiʼ witcheries.
12But whan they lippened to Philip, preachin the Gude‐word oʼ the Kingdom oʼ God, and the name oʼ Jesus Christ, they war bapteezʼt, baith men and weemen.
13Than Simon his sel believed wiʼ the lave; and, bein bapteezʼd, he marrowed wiʼ Philip, wunneran at the great warks and tokens that war wrocht.
14Noo, whan the Apostles at Jerusalem heard tell that Samaria had received Godʼs word, they sent to them Peter and John:
15Wha, whan they cam doon, prayed for them that they micht hae the Holie Spirit.
16For till this time he hadna faun on ony oʼ them: only they had been bapteezʼt iʼ the name oʼ the Lord Jesus.
17Than laid they their hauns on them, and they received the Holie Spirit.
18And whan Simon saw that the Holie Spirit was gien throwe the layin‐on oʼ the Apostlesʼ hauns, he wad hae gien them siller;
19And quoʼ he, “Gie me as weel this pooer, that on wham I lay hauns, he may hae the Holie Spirit!”
20But Peter says to him, “Perish yere siller wiʼ yersel! for thinkin to troke for the gift oʼ God wiʼ siller!
21“Ye hae naither airt nor pairt here; for yere heart isna aefauld afore God!
22“Sae repent ye oʼ this yere wickedness; and pray God gin aiblins the thocht oʼ yere heart may be forgiʼen tʼye.
23“For I can see ye are iʼ the bitterness oʼ gall, and the shackles oʼ sin!”
24Quoʼ Simon, “Pray ye the Lord for me, that nane oʼ thae things ye hae said befaʼ me.”
25And they, whan they had testifyʼt and gien oot the word oʼ the Lord, gaed back to Jerusalem, preachin the Gude‐word in a hantle oʼ the wee touns oʼ the Samaritans.
26But an angel oʼ the Lord spak to Philip, “Awa to the South! to the road frae Jerusalem to Gaza; iʼ the desert!”
27And he raise, and gaed awa; and mark! a man oʼ Ethiop, an officer heigh in authority under Queen Candace oʼ the Ethiopians, the chaumerlain oʼ her treasur, had come till Jerusalem for to worship;
28And was gaun hame again, and was sittin in his chariot, readin the Prophet Esaiah.
29Than the Spirit says to Philip, “Gang nar, and join in wiʼ this chariot.”
30And Philip ran till him, and heard him readin the Prophet Esaiah; and quoʼ he, “Are ye unʼerstaunin what yeʼre readin?”
31And quoʼ he, “Hoo can I, gin some ane dinna airt me?” And he besocht Philip to sit up beside him.
32The bit oʼ the Scriptur he was readin was, “He was taen oot as a sheep till the slauchtir; and as a lown lamb afore his shearer, sae was he quate;
33“In his lowliness justice was denyʼt him; and wha sal speak oʼ his seed? for his life is cuttit aff frae the yirth.”
34And the officer says to Philip, “I pray ye, wham speaks the Prophet oʼ? oʼ his sel, or oʼ some ither ane?”
35And Philip openʼt his mouʼ; and beginnin at that same word, declarʼt till him Jesus.
36And as they gaed on their way, they cam till a certain watir; and the officer says, “See, here is watir! what is to hinner me bein bapteezʼt?”
37 # 8:37 This verse isna fund in a hantle oʼ the MSS. But nae doot he did confess, in words as weel as deeds, his belief in Jesus. And Philip said, “Gin ye believe wiʼ aʼ yere heart, ye may!” And he answerʼt, “I believe that Jesus Christ is Godʼs Son!”
38And he orderʼt the chariot to stop, and they gaed doon baith intil the watir, Philip and the officer; and he bapteezʼt him.
39And whan they cam oot oʼ the watir, the Spirit oʼ the Lord cairryʼt awa Philip, and the officer saw him nae mair; and he gaed on his way blythe and joyfuʼ.
40But Philip was seen at Azotus; and gaun on, he preached the Gude‐word in aʼ the cities, till he cam to Cesarea.
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Acts 8: SCO1904
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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.