لۆگۆی یوڤێرژن
ئایکۆنی گەڕان

Acts 7

Stephen discoorses to the Heigh‐Cooncil. Ill men (gin they hae nae ither reply), can aye hurl stanes.
1Than quoʼ the Heigh‐priest, “Are thae things sae?”
2And he #7:2 Tak ye tent, that the hail oʼ Stephenʼs discoorse is to the effecʼ that God had covenants wiʼ his ain, and worship frae them, lang afore Mosesʼ Law; and sinʼ the worship oʼ God was afore the Ceremonial Law cam, sae it may weel be eftir it is dune!said, “Men! Brethren and faithers, hear! The God oʼ Glorie schawed his sel to oor faither Abraʼm, whan he was in Mesopotamia, afore he bade in Haran;
3“And said to him, ‘Come ye oot frae yere ain lanʼ, and frae yere ain kin, and come to sic a lanʼ as I sal airt ye!’
4“Than cam he oot oʼ the Chaldeanʼs kintra, and dwalt in Haran; and frae thar, eftir his faither was deid, he cam to this lanʼ, whaur ye noo dwall.
5“And he gied him nae portion inʼt; no, no sae muckle as to set his fit on; yet he promised he wad gie it him in possession, and to his seed eftir him, whan as yet he hadna a bairn.
6“And God spak thus — that his seed soud tarry in a fremd lanʼ; and they soud mak them bondmen, and misuse them fowr‐hunner year.
7“ ‘And the folk that hae them in thrall wull I judge,’ said God; ‘and syne sal they come and serʼ me iʼ this vera place.’
8“And he gied him a Covenant oʼ circumceesion; and Abraʼm begat Isaac, and circumceesed him at the auchth day; and Isaac, Jaucob; and Jaucob the twalʼ patriarchs.
9“And the patriarchs, fuʼ oʼ envie, sellʼt Joseph awa to Egypt; but God was wiʼ him.
10“And deliverʼt him oot oʼ aʼ his sairs, and gied to him favor and lear afore Pharaoh the king oʼ Egypt; and he made him to be governor ower aʼ Egypt, and ower aʼ his hoose.
11“Noo thar cam a dearth ower aʼ Egypt and Canaan; and oor faithers faund nae mainteenance.
12“But whan Jaucob kent thar was corn in Egypt, he sent oot oor faithers ance;
13“And at the second sending‐oot, Joseph was kent oʼ his brethren; and Josephʼs freends war kent oʼ Pharaoh.
14“Than sent Joseph, and took to him his faither Jaucob, and aʼ his kin, seeventy‐fyve sauls.
15“And Jaucob gaed doon to Egypt. And he deeʼt thar, he and oor faithers,
16“And war carryʼt ower to Shechem, and laid doon iʼ the tomb that Abraʼm bocht wiʼ siller frae the sonʼs oʼ Hamor oʼ Shechem.
17“But whan the time promised cam nar, the time God gied to Abraʼm, the folk grew to be mony, and war multiplyʼt in Egypt.
18“Till a new king cam up, wha kent naething oʼ Joseph.
19“And the same wrocht in a guilefuʼ way wiʼ oor faithers, and misused them, sae that their young bairns soud be cuisten oot, to the end they soud dee.
20“Iʼ the whilk time Moses was born, and he was bonnie to God; and he was nouriced thrie month iʼ the hoose oʼ his faither.
21“And whan he was cuisten oot, Pharaohʼs dochter took him, and nouriced him for her ain son.
22“And Moses was instruckit in aʼ the lear oʼ the Egyptians, and was michty in words and deeds.
23“And whan he cam to be forty year auld, it cam intil his heart to gang and see his brethren, the sons oʼ Israʼl.
24“And seein ane oʼ them wranged, he took his pairt, and deliverʼt him that dreed the wrang, and strack doon the Egyptian.
25“For he thocht his brethren soud hae kent hoo God by his haun wad bring them deliverance: but they understude‐na.
26“And on the morn he schawed his sel to them as they tulzied thegither, and wad hae putten them at ane again, sayin, ‘Men! ye are brithers; why dae ye do wrang, ane to anither?’
27“But the ane that did his neebor wrang, shoved him awaʼ, sayin, ‘Wha made ye a maister or a judge ower us?
28“ ‘Wad ye kill me, as ye killʼt the Egyptian yestreen?’
29“And Moses fled awaʼ at this sayin, and tarryʼt iʼ the land oʼ Midian; whaur he begat twa sons.
30“And whan forty year had gane ower, thar schawed himsel to him iʼ the wilderness oʼ Mount Sinai an Angel, in a lowin fire, in a buss.
31“And Moses, lookin on, ferlied uncolie at the #7:31 “It lowed and lowed, and was nane the waur!”sicht; and as he cam nar to seeʼt, the Lordʼs voice cam to him.
32“ ‘I am the God oʼ thy faithers, the God oʼ Abraʼm, Isaac and Jaucob.’ Than Moses quaked, and daurna look on.
33“And the Lord said to him, ‘Lowse the shoon oʼ yere feet, for the place ye staun on is holie grunʼ!
34“ ‘I hae seen, I hae seen, the ill‐doin to my folk that are in Egypt, and hae heard their maen; and I am comedoon to richt them. And noo coʼway! Iʼll send ye to Egypt!’
35“This same Moses, wham they cuist aside, sayin, ‘Wha made ye a maister and a judge?’ the same God sent baith for a maister and a deliverer wiʼ the haun oʼ the Angel that appearʼt to him iʼ the buss.
36“The same led them oot, eftir he had schawn ferlies and tokens iʼ the land oʼ Egypt, and iʼ the Reid Sea, and iʼ the wilderness forty year.
37“This is yon Moses, wha said to the children oʼ Israʼl, ‘A Prophet sal the Lord yere God raise up to ye oʼ yere brethren, like to me.’
38“This was he wha was wiʼ the Kirk iʼ the wilderness, wiʼ the Angel that spak to him in Mount Sinai, and wiʼ oor faithers; wha had gien to them leevin testimonies to gie to us.
39“To wham oor faithers wadna gie heed; but cuist him oot frae them, and turned back again, iʼ their hearts, to Egypt,
40“Saying to Aaron, ‘Mak us gods to gang afore us! As for this Moses, wha brocht us oot oʼ Egyptʼs lanʼ, we kenna what has come oʼ him!’
41“And they made a cauf iʼ thae days, and brocht a sacrifeece to the eidol, and joyed iʼ the wark iʼ their ain hauns.
42“But God turned, and gied them up to worship the host oʼ the sky, as it is putten doon iʼ the prophetʼs book, ‘Did ye offer to me slain beass and sacrifeeces forty year iʼ the wilderness, O hoose oʼ Israʼl?
43“ ‘And ye liftit the tent oʼ Moloch, and Remphanʼs star, yere god — images that ye made to worship them — and I wull tak ye awa ayont Babylon.’
44“Oor faithers had the Tent oʼ Witness iʼ the wilderness, eʼen as he appointit wha spak to Moses, that he soud mak it conform to the pattern he had seen.
45“Whilk eke oor faithers that followʼt, brocht in wiʼ Joshua, whan they cam intil the possession oʼ the nations, wham God pat oot frae before oor faithersʼ faces to the days oʼ Dauvid.
46“Wha faund favour fornent Godʼs face, and wad fain provide a dwallin‐place for the God oʼ Jaucob.
47“But Solomon biggit him a hoose.
48“But yet the Maist High dwalls‐na in hooses made wiʼ hauns; conform to what the prophet says, —
49“ ‘The Heevenʼs my thron, and the yirthʼs my fit‐brod; whatna hoose wad ye bigg me, quoʼ the Lord; or whaurʼs the place oʼ my rest?
50“ ‘Wasʼt‐na my ain haun made aʼ thae things?’
51“Stiff‐neckit and thrawn! uncircumceesed in heart and lugs! ye aye hae a plea wiʼ the Holie Spirit! as yere faithers, sae div ye.
52“Wham oʼ the prophets didna yere faithers persecute? And they killʼt them wha schawed aforehaun oʼ the comin oʼ the Righteous‐Ane, oʼ wham, eʼen noo, ye hae been the betrayers and murderers!
53“Ye wha had the law by ordinance oʼ Angels, and haena keepit it!”
54Noo, as they heard thae things, they war stricken to the heart, and they gnashʼt at him wiʼ their teeth.
55But he, fuʼ oʼ the Holie Spirit, lookit up aye to heaven and saw the glorie oʼ God, and Jesus staunin on Godʼs richt haun!
56And said, “Look! I see the heevens unsteekit, and the Son oʼ Man staunin on Godʼs richt haun!”
57But they cryʼt oot wiʼ a lood voice, and happit their lugs, and ran on him aʼ thegither;
58And cuist him oot oʼ the citie, and staned him; and the witnesses pat doon their claes at the feet oʼ a young man caʼd Saul.
59And they staned Stephen, beseechin, and sayin, “Lord Jesus! tak ye my spirit!”
60And he kneelʼd doon, and cryʼt wiʼ a soondin voice, “Lord, set‐na doon to them this sin!” And whan he had sae said, he fell asleep.

دیاریکراوەکانی ئێستا:

Acts 7: SCO1904


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