Take The Lid Off 7-Day Reading PlanMostra

Take The Lid Off 7-Day Reading Plan

Dia 7 de 7

The words on your birth certificate and the picture on your driver’s license don’t tell the full story of your life. God created you with enormous natural talents and spiritual resources. You aren’t the sum total of your past, and you aren’t a prisoner of your present.

You were made for more than you can imagine. There are no limitations on what God will do in you and through you if you’ll trust Him, follow Him, and take the lid off your life. Don’t complain about the way things are, and don’t wait for someone else to fulfill your dreams. It’s your responsibility—and your high privilege—to take the initiative and take bold steps forward.

Don’t allow negative people to hold you back, and don’t let painful circumstances erode your hopes. God hasn’t just given you some abilities; He has given you His life. You are the receptacle of the matchless grace of almighty God, the temple of the Holy Spirit, a member of the anointed holy priesthood of God, and a humble servant of the mighty King. Know it. Taste it. Live it. 

What’s your next step? It’s really not that difficult to discern. What has God put on your heart that you’ve resisted? What conversation have you put off too long? What dream is dormant in your heart? What action have you avoided out of fear? What needs have you overlooked because they seemed too big? What person have you walked past but sensed God wanted you to touch with His love? What great plan has been gathering dust in your mind because you haven’t had the faith to trust God to accomplish it?

The lid of doubt and delay may look different for different people, but we all have one. It’s time. Don’t wait any longer. Take the lid off, and see what God will do. I guarantee you: it’ll be amazing! I believe in you, but more important, God believes in you. Trust Him, love Him, and follow Him.

Dia 6

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Take The Lid Off 7-Day Reading Plan

Pastor Smokie Norful uses the analogy of a cooking pot with a lid to help readers understand how God can release the pressure in their lives. He looks at different struggles and dreams that Christians have, and he identifies ways that they can "take the lid off" to find peace and fulfillment in God's plan for them.
