Advent: Crist s'acosta!Mostra

Advent: Christ Is Coming!

Dia 69 de 91

LIGHT THE CANDLE The Messiah is Here! READ THE SCRIPTURE A Savior, Who Is Christ the Lord Luke 2:1-21 RESPOND IN WORSHIP Worship with Your Life Jesus, Blessing to all Nations Prophet, Priest and King Fulfillment of the Old Covenant, Author and Keeper of a New Covenant Greatest Prophet, Great High Priest, and King of Kings Worship with Prayer Use the Scripture to adore, confess, praise, and thank God. Worship with Song Sing, "Angels, from the Realms of Glory" and "Joy to the World."


Dia 68Dia 70

Sobre aquest pla

Advent: Christ Is Coming!

Aquest devocional d'advent de Thistlebend Ministries és per a que, personalment o en familia, preparem els nostres cors per celebrar el Messies. Es fa especial èmfasi en el que significa la vinguda de Crist avui per a la nostra vida. Dissenyat per començar el dia 1 de desembre. Feu que la vostra família creï records que perdurin a mesura que feu servir aquesta guia per veure l'amor ferm i etern del vostre Pare per a cadascun de vosaltres.


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