Ira Mostra

Mad at someone right now? Maybe God has a verse for you right here!
Proverbs 21:14 Man says: Nothing calms her down once she gets started. God Says: Gifts can calm anger. (But there's a lot more to be done than that!)
Proverbs 29:11 Man says: When I get mad, it's hard to hold it in. God says: Hold back anger. Fools let it out.
Daniel 3:19 Man says: When I'm furious, will I do stupid things? God says: Unbridled anger DOES do stupid things.
2 Timothy 2:24 Man says: Perhaps I argue too much, but I still want to be a servant. God says: Servants aren't argumentative. They are patient when wronged. They're kind.
1 John 4:20 Man says: I hate that person! God says: A Christian cannot love God and hate anyone.
Sobre aquest pla

La ira ens pot arribar a qualsevol de nosaltres. La teva reacció a la ira es basa en la confiança en Déu i en meditar en la Seva Paraula. Tingués present també el pla de lectura "Confiança" mentre llegeixis "Ira". Els següents versets, quan els hagis memoritzat, et poden ajudar a respondre adequadament a la ira. Deixa que la teva vida sigui transformada memoritant l'Escriptura! Per un sistema entenedor de memorització de l'Escriptura, visiteu