Today's Words, Tomorrow's HarvestsMostra

Today's Words, Tomorrow's Harvests

Dia 5 de 7

Talking Myself Into My Desired Future

We can change our behaviors and attain our desired future. We can use the "crawl, walk, run" framework as follows:

Crawl Stage: Know what God's Word says about His love and plans for you. Study the first four books of the New Testament, which chronicle Jesus' life. In Jesus, you see the heart and will of God. 

When persuaded God's love for you is unconditional and active, progress to Walk Stage.

Walk Stage: Know what God's Word says about who you are and what God has empowered you to do. Study Jesus' actions in the first four books of the New Testament. In Jesus, you'll see what God has empowered you to be and do. 

When persuaded God has empowered you to be an overcomer and you, by faith, can see yourself victorious, progress to Run Stage.

Run Stage: Focuses on action plan execution to attain goals essential to your desired future. Basic sequence is identify a goal; decompose the goal into steps; and decompose the steps into tasks. 


Goal: Save $1,500 in one year

Steps: Save $125 each month for 12 months

Tasks: Save $31.25 each week for 48 weeks, Presuming a 5 day work week, the daily task becomes saving $6.25 each work day for 240 work days to accumulate $1,500. 

Successful action plan execution will yield the desired result and a track record of discipline, enabling confident pursuit of loftier goals. Read Chapter Five of my book, Talking Myself Into My Desired Future, to learn the complementary strategy of  developing a mindset of affirmation, which fuels successful action plan execution.

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Today's Words, Tomorrow's Harvests

Words are spiritual forces, producing after their kind. You bless or curse yourself with your words. This plan provides a roadmap for boldly speaking God's Word. In Jeremiah 29:11, God proclaims His good plan for your life. God is faithful and watches over His Word to perform it. Choose to believe and say what God says about you. Your good future is as close as your heart and mouth!
