7 Devotions to Lead Day by Day and Night by NightMostra

7 Devotions to Lead Day by Day and Night by Night

Dia 3 de 7

Mobilizing to Lead

Nehemiah 3 is not the most exciting chapter in the Bible to read, but had it not occurred, Nehemiah would have been noted as a failure and the vision as unsuccessful. In many ways, only an engineer or a logistics specialist would enjoy reading this chapter. It details names, places, and responsibilities.

What is extraordinary about Nehemiah’s leadership is that he understood the importance of building the walls and gates of Jerusalem, and he mobilized the people to do it. The chapter is full of phrases like “And next to him” and “After him” and “After them,” signifying that many people worked together. The wall wouldn’t have been built if Nehemiah hadn’t mobilized the people by telling them about the job and encouraging them to do it.

Nehemiah made the process easier by involving others according to their skill sets, gifts, and interests. Each person named and the groups called in chapter three were significant. They were the key to accomplishing the vision.

Mobilizing people to lead and to work is authentic leadership. Nehemiah multiplied his leadership by getting more people involved in the vision. This is what leaders do. Anything less than this is not leadership. Are you good at mobilizing others, or do you try to do everything yourself?

Declare: I will mobilize people to accomplish our vision.

God, teach me and empower me to know how to mobilize people. Amen.


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7 Devotions to Lead Day by Day and Night by Night

Being a leader is challenging, but you can move forward with confidence by standing firm during trials and obeying God’s direction every step of the way. Ronnie Floyd will inspire you to lead with God by your side in these seven devotions with practical leadership principles taken from Nehemiah. Become a leader empowered by God’s continuous presence day by day and night by night.
