4 Steps to a “Crazy Faith” Strong Enough for Any SituationMostra

4 Steps to a “Crazy Faith” Strong Enough for Any Situation

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Step 1. Keep Perspective

Before we can plant any seedlings that develop into our “Crazy Faith,” we need to get the mindset of the farmer… and so, the first step to building a“Crazy Faith” is to get the right perspective.

Perspective, as I refer to it here, has to do with three things:

  1. who we are,
  2. what we are called to be, and,
  3. where we are going.

First, as people, each of us are created in God’s image. We’re not just a nice idea or an evolution of some other things, but we are each a special and unique creation by God Himself, made in His own image. On this side of eternity, it’s not possible for us to understand all the details of what that means, but for now, just know that you are special and hold a very special place in God’s Kingdom.

Next, as you know from the Bible, we are called to follow Jesus. We are not just people living on earth who then one day hope to be saved to heaven. Instead, each of us has a role in building the Kingdom of God while we are here on earth. We are the servants in Jesus’ parable of the ten talents. Now, it’s up to us how we use them.

Third, we have an eternal destination. The Bible talks about how God will make all things new at the end of time, and our work today – here on earth – is part of that renewal. The Kingdom of God is not just about being whisked away to heaven and spending the rest of our days in some sort of praise choir, but somehow also has to do with carrying on the good works that we can already start here on earth today.

So we’re created in the image of God to help build His Kingdom while we are alive here on earth. And then, when our life’s work is done here on earth, we are “promoted” (think of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly) to live with God for eternity on earth that has been made new again, completing His Kingdom and glorifying Him in ways that we cannot even imagine in our current, earthly state.

Then, for eternity, we are working, worshipping, and glorifying God together with every other believer from ancient Bible times right up to today, all of us in the presence of the Creator God Himself.

Just let that sink in and ponder on that for a moment…

Our journey in this life is just a small part of something that is so much greater, grander and more glorious than anything possible for anybody – at any cost – here on earth. The smile that comes on our face and joy that builds in our hearts from thinking on this should be 100% permanent! Wow….

Step 1 of a“Crazy Faith” is our mindset and perspective.

We need to remind ourselves regularly (constantly?) that we are on a journey. A journey on which we belong to God, that He has our back, that He knows our future, and that we can skip whatever pleasures this world may offer as we progress towards a much greater reward.

That perspective on our journey through life here on earth never gets old, never wears out. Knowing this sets us apart, allowing us to enjoy what God has for us along the way while looking forward to what’s ahead.

A “Crazy Faith” starts with the perspective of knowing who we are, what we are called to, and where we are going.

Aaahhh… the troubles and care of this world are already beginning to fade… Can you feel it?

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4 Steps to a “Crazy Faith” Strong Enough for Any Situation

In life, we often try to find a balance between faith and the “real world.” But that’s not how it is supposed to be! “Balance” is not what we want. Instead, we want a faith that is so rock-solid, so strong that it takes us through any situation – regardless of how bad things look. If you want a “Crazy Faith,” then this 4-step reading plan is for you!
