Continuous Revelation Flows at the Heart of GodMostra

Continuous Revelation Flows at the Heart of God

Dia 4 de 6

How do you receive revelation? Let’s take a look. The first place you need to be for revelation is the Word of God. It is not just a book, it lives! It is a Person named Jesus. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Word and the Word became flesh, and whenever He speaks there’s light and life. Think about that… That is what revelation is! God shines His light on something in His Word and something new appears. For the Word is living and powerful and sharper than any double-edged sword, cutting away the things that are not of God and illuminating and bringing to life what is from Him. The Bible has the special ability to always show something new of God and it never ends. Doesn’t that remind you of the creatures around the throne?

You can also receive revelation through the Holy Spirit. It is the same Spirit that brings the Word to life, but without you reading. God can use numerous ways to give you new revelation. The Bible is the safety net for revelation through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will always speak within the parameters of the Word. Because the Word and the Spirit are the same God! Not everything God’s Spirit says to you can be found in the Bible literally, but it will have the same character of God and the same foundations as the Word. It is not in alignment with the Bible if you think you hear God say He is mad at you and punishes you. God can redirect you, warn and rebuke you, but always from His merciful heart that never punishes.

The Bible says we receive by faith. That means we can attach value to what God reveals us. The measure in which we receive revelation has to do with your faith. This means you attach more value to what God says than to your own doubts and inferior feelings. That you love God above all things. Faith puts God on the throne of your own life, which means you have to step down from it. I’m writing this in a few simple words, but that goes deep… At the same time faith is childlike, with a fearless trust that God is Who He says is. That sometimes means that you bring your disappointment from the past, pain, sadness or unbelieve to God, so your childlike faith can be restored through Him and you’ll be able to receive with open arms again. Is this something that’s in your heart? Run towards God’s throne of mercy, let yourself be restored and become like a child again.

Here’s a question for you: Do you read the Bible? Do you find it hard? If so, why? Ask God for a new hunger and His guidance when you read the Bible. Ask Him for clean glasses to read as if it’s for the first time.

Dia 3Dia 5

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Continuous Revelation Flows at the Heart of God

In this 6-day reading plan I’m going to take you into this vibrant topic and show you what revelation is. You’ll find answers in the Word of God on questions like ‘how do you receive revelation?’ and: ‘What blocks revelation?’ You will receive keys for your own relationship with God, so you can take a refreshing dive in the endless flow of revelation at the heart of God.
