Easter, Jesus, and the ResurrectionMostra

Easter, Jesus, and the Resurrection

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Jesus is risen. “Praise be to God!” When Peter writes this it’s like he’s busting at the seams. Like God’s joy and power is bursting out of him.

Here’s a man who denied Jesus. He turned his back on him to save his own skin. Jesus died, and Peter wept bitterly, knowing he would never be able to say “I’m sorry” or make it right with Jesus again.

Three days later, Jesus came bursting from the grave! When you get a second chance like that – a new hope – it changes everything. Resurrection hope changes everything.

So Peter shouts out. Total praise! New birth! Living hope! Peter came to know that the resurrection of Jesus was of greater worth than gold. He gave his life to it. He gave his life for it. And with resurrection in sight, nothing could stop him.

Resurrection means I can defy Death itself. Even though I may die, Death ultimately will have no hold over me. Thanks be to God! Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!

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Easter, Jesus, and the Resurrection

When Jesus rose from the dead, it changed everything! Easter stands at the heart of all our hopes and all of God’s promises. This 5-day plan will give you a sample of what the New Testament says about Jesus’s resurrection and why it’s so important.
