Women On The Frontlines: A Call To The Secret PlaceMostra

Women On The Frontlines: A Call To The Secret Place

Dia 7 de 7


Shelter for the Swallow

My girls were taking riding lessons at our neighbor’s place. As the horses were being brought in, I happened to look up and see a barn swallow’s nest built against the rafters of the barn.

As I stood there admiring these fascinating birds, God reminded me of the words of Psalm 84. I found myself thinking, What an accurate picture David painted of their nature and their nests. When a swallow builds its nest, it will first find a barn or other structure with a supply of mud close by. It will carry mud and twigs in its little beak, making trip after trip, carefully constructing a sturdy nest on a rafter beam of the barn. The outside of the mud-dauber-type structure dries and hardens, becoming very solid and secure. Yet, the inside of the nest is lined with downy feathers and is soft, warm, and inviting. Instinctively, swallows know how to do this, and it serves them well.

The thought struck me: Swallows build their nests the way they do because, instinctively, they know that the safest place to build is up against the wall. Now we humans use the expression “up against the wall” to describe feeling trapped or being out of options when we have no place to run and no way out. We don’t have the same instincts as swallows and other animals. God’s Holy Spirit leaves us to make our own choices, having shown us in His Word the narrow road to follow. Sadly, we misjudge and miscalculate. Our mistakes and failures leave scars of fear and anxiety, which cause us to think that running away is the only way to stay safe. Oh, that we would learn from the graceful swallow the wisdom of God, allowing our Divine Shepherd’s leading and guiding to become such a deep part of us that we can mirror the powerful instincts He has built into His creation. The place of abiding is found where difficulty crosses our will and our fear. That is actually the safest place.

Therefore, we should turn around and start running toward what is uncomfortable, because that is exactly where we are going to find Him.

Softly, tenderly, quietly He’s calling you from the depths of His wonderful presence. How will you respond? Will you join Him in the secret place?

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Dia 6

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Women On The Frontlines: A Call To The Secret Place

God has helped women from every walk of life learn how to draw spiritual strength from the kingdom within so that they could face the hard circumstances that surrounded them. The women in this book knew how to empty themselves of all worldly preoccupations, to relax into, and breathe in, His very presence. They knew what it meant to find the secret place of rest that only comes with Him. 
