Seeking JusticeMostra

Seeking Justice

Dia 3 de 4

A Response to Injustice

Fighting for justice is something we applaud. But, for most of us, the power to right wrongs is quite limited. What do we do when we confront injustice in our daily existence?

Perhaps we are falsely accused. We are shunned for not participating in shady dealings. We are slighted. Perhaps our accomplishments are overlooked. Our honesty is used against us.

We should expect difficult circumstances to come as a worldly reaction to our faithfulness and genuine godliness. 2 Timothy 3:12 says, “Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” This verse clarifies that our primary goal should be to ensure we live obedient lives surrendered to Christ Jesus. We should count it as a win if we suffer for doing well.

Even amid injustice and difficulty, we still have the ability to make our own choices. The unjust circumstances of this world can only hold us hostage if we let them. We are instructed to overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21).

God promises to give us the power to endure persecution. When we adopt this true perspective, we understand that God does not eliminate difficult circumstances. He provides us with the power to overcome them.

Dia 2Dia 4

Sobre aquest pla

Seeking Justice

Fighting for justice is something we applaud. But the power to right wrongs is quite limited for most of us. We must leave justice to God. Trusting God requires that we trust Him to be our Avenger. What will God’s vengeance look like? God will decide. It might look like Him dying in our place. Or theirs.
